Friday, March 18, 2016

A Mega Bully In A Mega Pulpit: Trump's Mobocracy In An Annotated Selected Glossary

A: Anchor
A media person whose quality is determined by the kind of questions he or she addresses in public to the Chairman. If hostile and a woman, such a person has "blood oozing from everywhere." Clear reference to the menstrual period. Stamped the Chairman as "anti-feminist."

C: Convention
A formal assembly, usually based, since the 17th century, on tacit consent by its members. When not favoring the Chairman being its nominee for US President, then a hostile take-over is necessary for voiding the popular will as defined by the Chairman.

D: Debate
An ugly form of verbal warfare in which only profanity, misogyny, vulgarity and dishonesty are permitted. Drowning your opponent's voice and trouncing the moderators for reminding you of your time limitation. For the Chairman, these are debating skills and a propensity to lead.

A political agitator appealing to the prejudice of the masses. A term fully applicable to Chairman Trump. He has voiced heated opposition to "political correctness," to "the establishment," to organized political practice, and to the principle of compromise. All peaceful tools in the service of the national good. His vain rhetoric is the very language of the Tea Party, one of whose symbols is Sarah Palin.

The forceful expulsion by authorities of individuals accused of violation of immigration laws. Chairman Trump is set to deport 11 million persons falling in this category, within 2 years of his presidency. Requiring 30 jumbo-jet flights for 730 days. This explains why Chairman Trump hates media questions about immigration. Such as those posed by Jorge Ramos, a Latino spokesman physically removed from his rallies.

F: Foreign Policy
Generally defined as a State's approach through diplomacy and other means to relationships with other States to maximize national interest. Chairman Trump, nonetheless, has redefined American foreign policy. Made of sound bites typical of his own brand of raucous disparagement of nearly all foreign powers. Examples: China is "ripping off" America on trade and stealing jobs; Mexico is flooding the southern border with migrants and drugs. As to Japan, "we are getting absolutely crushed on trade." Salvation is through the Chairman.

H: Hand
Terminal part of human arm. For the Chairman, its size determines the Chairman's genitalia. In this department, the Chairman has declared that he was "well endowed." Nature and destiny are on his side!!

An illustrious warrior who has fought for his country or his cause. But if captured, like in the case of Senator McCain, loses his luster. Chairman Trump put it succinctly when he declared: "I like persons who don't get captured." As if the victim has a say in falling captive.

I: Immigration
A term which, for the Chairman, refers only to skilled foreign workers. On guest worker visas coded as H-1B. Fit for work in Silicon Valley. Chairman Trump is calling for all others to be herded on buses for forcible deportation. But the Latino empire of millions of new Mexican voters is striking back. Denying Chairman Trump, with his blond hairdo, their vote this Fall. The revolt of those vilified are systematically described by Trump as "drug traffickers and rapists."

The faith of 1.7 billion people, based on two principles: the onness of God, and the surrender to God's will. One of the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Chairman Trump, in Florida on March 9, intoned another Islamophobic declaration: "Islam hates us." A cunning reversal of his Trump coinage of: "Ban Muslims entry into America." Even the Florida Governor, Rick Scott, endorsed that savage call by Trump.

M: Marco Rubio
A one-term Senator from Florida with a Cuban ancestry. Now out of the race for Republican nomination for President. Described by Chairman Trump as follows: "You know that in Florida they hate little Marco Rubio so much because of the fact that he never votes...He has conned the people of Florida into voting for him." The Chairman, in a humane gesture towards his then opponent Rubio, also said: "I didn't want him to get hurt hitting his head going down."

Originally Latin for "mobile vulgus," meaning excitable crowd. Now refers to the lower order of a promiscuous assemblage of persons whom Chairman Trump targets for his venomous rantings. Trumpism has a close proximity to being a pied piper, a strolling musician, leading children over a hill to nowhere.

A human being believed by Chairman Trump to be so reviled as a terrorist or potential terrorist. His or her presence in, or admission to America is a clear and present danger to the established Trumpian order. The plan by Chairman Trump to rid the world of ISIS must remain under wraps. It shall be executed by the US military, not in accordance with the laws of war. But by the laws of Trump. "This is what a leader is all about," so declared the Chairman.

N: New York
A state in the northeast of the U.S. That is where Chairman Trump has multiple towers. Also where he is adored by the New York City Real Estate Board. Winning New York for Trump is declared by the Chairman a foregone conclusion. Thus he forcefully told his supporters in New Orleans: "We have a shot at winning New York. Can you imagine what would happen if we win New York? New York loves Trump."

O: Outsider
A term in the uneducated language of today's American politics. Meaning someone with no political experience. No part of the so-called "establishment." Meaning all those chosen through the democratic process to represent the populace. Chairman Trump is riding the wave of rage through pushing the fiction of "the Outsider." The Tea Party, the evangelicals who believe in "the end of time," the white blue collar workers are united in the cause of defeating "experience." Trump, promises that he, as an outsider, is the answer.

P: Palin
The last name of Sarah Palin, former governor of the state of Alaska. An empty-headed invention, ill-chosen by Senator McCain as his running mate in his failed presidential bid against Obama in 2008. Known for her ridiculing facts and knowledge, now a side kick for Chairman Trump as he seeks to energize his ultra-conservative supporters. Famously described by a French poet as "a bad joke."

Used to be defined as "the art of the possible." Now reversed to be "the art of appealing to the prejudice of the masses." Perfected by Chairman Trump in his bid to "Make America Great Again." Hence "a politician," which the Chairman is not, is someone who plays by the rules usually ridiculed as "political correctness."

The man of the hour for Russia whose strength and practices in his country, and in its "near abroad," are admired by Chairman Trump. A reflection of the Chairman's admiration for strong leadership. Now seen by him as the cause of American decline. Reversible only under a president who does not apologize and does not reward America's adversaries, like Iran, by "very bad deals."

R: Rally
To rally is to get together again. Rousing to fresh energy. In the rallies for Chairman Trump, the theme rallying his crowds is to "get tough," to consider a protester an enemy. Thus the Chairman calls on his private army of bouncers to kick out anybody protesting his theme of hate. The emphasis in Trump's message is not on the First Amendment (guaranteeing freedom of speech). It is on magnifying hate into a creed. Forcing the protesters in Chicago to shut down his rally. "Throw them out," yelled Trump to his bouncers. "Trouble-makers," he described protesters. The result: An atmosphere of hate, violence and divisiveness that has become "the new normal" for the Chairman's electioneering.

An incoherent, irregularly non-planned speech by the Chairman. Stoking anger of the mobs assembled to watch his show.

Republican Party
A 162 year old party which should be demolished through either a Trump take-over, or a split through a contested convention intended to deny the Donald the historical advantage of being the chosen one to defeat the Democratic nominee for president in November 2016.

S: Schizophrenia
A psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment. Also contradictory or antagonistic attitudes. Chairman Trump exhibits these symptoms of dysfunction. In his rallies, he calls for his supporters right to free assembly. A First Amendment right. But denies it to those protesters attempting to exercise the same right, by calling them "villains against whom I shall press charges." He declares love for the Chinese, the Japanese and free trade. But simultaneously he calls for 35% surcharge over products imported to the US.

State Department
The department of the U.S. Government that conducts foreign affairs on behalf of the U.S. President. Under Chairman Trump, the lines are already drawn up. All in terms, not of interaction, but of rage, conflict and enmity. In their turn, those foreign powers are adjusting to a possible Trump presidency. Mexico's President says: "His language is reminiscent of Hitler and Mussolini." The British Parliament debated barring Trump from entry into the UK for his "hate speech." China and Japan are distressed. Iran is laughing at him in its bazaars.

Invoking the name of a sacred being in an oath. It is the highest form of asserting a promise. Chairman Trump, in Florida, the home state of his then competitor, Marco Rubio, resorted to extracting an oath from the enthralled multitude. "Do you swear to vote for me?" And their hands and voices were raised "yes." Reminiscent of the Nazi "Sieg Heil" (Victory To the Savior!) A true mobocracy!!

T: Taxation
A contribution levied by an established authority on persons, property or business. For the purpose of supporting government's programs on behalf of the entire population. "No taxation without representation" was a call  to arms by the 13 American colonies rebelling against Great Britain. So with the position of Chairman Trump. He believes that the conservative and the billionaires causes are not sufficiently represented in American governance. His payment of limited taxes in accordance with the law should not entail making his tax returns public knowledge. The Chairman says: "It is too complicated."

Truth has consequences. Especially for a billionaire who has captivated millions for being a non-establishment politician. Best characterized by a 60-year old property investor who idolized the Chairman in these words: "He has no gain in this -he doesn't need the money, he doesn't need the fame, he doesn't need the power." Because of this, "the establishment is ganging up on him." When somebody is being persecuted constantly, that means they're speaking the truth!!

U: Unifier
An adjective earned by Chairman Trump in his bid for the Republican nomination for president. Part of the process of energizing his base of conservatives, evangelicals, white, black, Latinos, working classes and monied classes. In a massive surge of support for their idol. Trumpese is a language springing from the street through which these multitudes surge. Propelling him as the front runner in this brutish campaign between Republicans and Democrats. For the Chairman believes that before you build, you should first demolish, as per his practice in real estate. The demolisher, to Trump, is the unifier.

V: Violence
It is the unlawful exercise of physical force. Also intimidation by the exhibition thereof. The rallies, recently called by Chairman Trump, have begun to be marked by violence. Especially in the industrial Midwest. The Chairman, in a direct way, has nurtured that tendency as his way to "Making America Great Again." To him, the protesters against him are "violent;" the Muslims, "most of them hate us;" "Mexico shall be forced to pay for a wall" on the common border; and the US military "shall do what I tell them to do" (including torture).

W: Wall
Not to be confused with "Wall Street." It is a beautiful structure projected by President Trump to be built over a 2000 miles length. Between the U.S. and Mexico. Costing $20 billion. Chairman Trump has determined that Mexico, which rejects that idiotic concept, shall be forced to pay for it. How? As punitive damages for sending Mexicans to America as unvetted illegal immigrants. Through welshing on America's debts to Mexico. The Trump wall, as promised by the Chairman, is expected to surpass in grandeur the Great Wall of China.

A state of open hostility between nations, conducted by the force of arms. Waged, in the opinion of Chairman Trump, as the first option to failed negotiations. For the Chairman, the initials U.S. must always stand for "Unconditional Surrender." In conformity with the call by President Franklin Roosevelt, prolonging World War II against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Chairman Trump has always declared "I don't settle."

White House
The name of the residence of the President of the United States. Located in a federal district, called Washington, D.C. Presently occupied by Barack Hussein Obama. Considered by Chairman Trump as "a closet Muslim," with no valid US birth certificate. In the words of Chairman Trump "Obama is the worst president in the history of the United States." If Chairman Trump moves into the Oval Office in January 2017, he may attach the name Trump to the facade of the White House. Renaming it Trump House may not be out of order.

Z: Zee End. An Epilogue
A fitting ending, by remembering President Ronald Reagan. This is on the sad occasion of the passing on March 6 of First Lady Nancy Reagan. She, throughout his tenure as President (1980-1988), was his primary advisor. Though the leader of the Republican party, Reagan looked upon the cold war in a diplomatic way. America's role, he believed, was not to win it. But to end it. And it peacefully ended in 1989. That was the GOP of Reagan. Not the GOP of Trump.

From Ronald to Donald?! What a precipitous descent for the Grand Old Party, the party of Lincoln.

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