Friday, November 7, 2014

In Favoring Morsi Over Sisi, America Looks Like a Sleep-Walking Uncoordinated Hulk!!

The American media are on a mission.  A crazy mission.  Day in, day out, the shrill voices rise in unison.  A prolonged lamentation of the removal of Morsi from power in Egypt.  And a prolonged unreasoned condemnation of the seating of El-Sisi as Egypt's president.

Like a sleep-walking uncoordinated hulk, pundits, politicians, op ed pages, panels and interviews with a pre-selected corps of commentators, the bottom line is one and the same.  "ISIS is a menace!!"  OK.  Correct.  Good.  Bravo.  Simultaneously, the talking machine laments: "El-Sisi has come to power through a military coup."  How ridiculous!!

When America started on this dangerous obfuscation, people like me, with one foot by the shores of the East River in New York, and the other foot by the banks of the Nile, said: "A misunderstanding ."  Now with the passing of time, and the singularity of this hopeless American myth, I say: "Even ignorance has a shelf life.  ENOUGH!!"  

What does America want?  Mind you that Egypt and the U.S. need one another.  For a historic purpose: Defeat terrorism which is masquerading as Islamic!!  Yet from Fareed Zakaria, to Thomas Friedman; from David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times in Cairo to the Carter Center; from the so-called think-tanks in Washington, D.C., to some faculty voices at the American University in Cairo: the bad wind of trying to delegitimate El-Sisi, together with the secular Constitution of 2014, keeps on blowing.

Well, let it blow; let it blow.  It shall not lift the sphinx from its desert moorings one single inch.  For Egypt is not just an Egypt of El-Sisi, who won his post of President in an openly-contested elections in June 2014.  Of course the crows of Egyptophobia, attempting to impugn that process, tried to find loopholes.  So they found a tiny one: the turnout was low.  Really?!  At 45% turnout in a population with 40% illiteracy, in the midst of trying to rescue Sinai from the Hamas/Friends of Jerusalem terrorist barbarians, that percentage is higher than that of the U.S. in these midterm elections.

Nonetheless, the shrill voices of doom, emanating from the U.S., which still demands from its first black President to produce his birth certificate, never stop.  Here are samples of their "Road Runner" imbecility attacks:

Imbecility/Mental Weakness #1

  • Morsi is the first freely-elected President in Egyptian history!!
  • Well: What did Morsi do with his win?  Broke his social contract with secular Egypt:  Attacks on the Copts; torture of the Shiis; veiling the monuments as pagan relics; changing the curricula to cleanse secularism from children's books;
  • Furthermore, humiliating the forces of law and order of the Ministry of Interior; calling for prayer in the midst of a Parliamentary session; downgrading the independence of Al-Azhar as the highest locus for Fatwas, and the loftiest oracle of moderate Islam; and inveighing against the Judiciary to the point that the head of the Judiciary Club, Judge Al-Zind, threatened to sue at the International Criminal Court (though he has no standing at the ICC); 
  • Morsi's elections and assumption of the presidency for one year (June 2012 - July 2013) cannot be regarded as a free ride to power.  Legally speaking, that victory and its consequences are akin to somebody purchasing a token to ride the subway.  That purchase of subway fare is no excuse for harassing the passengers.  Felonious assault is a negation of the right to ride mass transit.
  • Morsi's most despicable assault was his November 2012 declaration (so-called Constitutional declaration) to the effect that he was above the law.  
  • Have the American supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood noted that?  No!!  Had Ayatollah Morsi not been forced to recant his ridiculous claim to totalitarian power, Egypt of 93 millions would have been engulfed in a bloody civil war.
Imbecility/Mental Weakness #2

  • The American nay-sayers claim, that the Egyptian Revolution of June 30, 2013 constituted, together with the removal of the Morsi/Brotherhood regime from power, a "brutal military coup."
  • We learnt in civics course 101 that sovereignty resides in the people; that that sovereign has the right, indeed the obligation, to remove a tyrant from power, if they can; 35 million Egyptians raised that historic call for the removal of Morsi; the national army of Egypt protected that revolution, as they had duly protected the incoming wave of the Muslim Brotherhood as of January 28, 2011, 3 days after the start of the January 25 revolt of the masses;
  • After the ouster of Morsi by means of recall by the masses, in the absence of a presidential removal clause in the defunct Islamic Constitution of 2012, the interim President of Egypt, the venerable Judge Adel Mansour (of the Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court) paved, as a Care-Taker, the road for new presidential elections.  That exercise of sovereignity brought General El-Sisi from the military barracks of the Defense Ministry to the Ittihadyiah Presidential Palace.
Imbecility/Mental Weakness #3

  • The pundits and others of the U.S. non-coordinated hulk viciously claim that the fact that President El-Sisi was a military man, thus Egypt is now ruled by a military regime!!
  • Really?!  Does that mean that the great administration of say, President Eisenhower (formerly General Eisenhower) who scored electoral victory in 1952, with Nixon as his running mate, was a military regime? 
  • Have the American supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood absent-mindedly forgotten that it took the Egyptian Government of Adly Mansour (interim President) and Dr. Mehleb (Prime Minister) 3 full days (from June 30 to July 3, 2013) to dialogue with the Islamist opposition to no avail?  Even the Muslim Brotherhood, a monolithic organization which is not given to admission of self-inflicted wounds is now saying "We were wrong!!"  
  • The ultimatum by the military of 72-hours for compliance by Morsi, who was not even the first choice for presidential candidacy by his own Brothers (El-Shater was) was a warning signal.  It was also a rescue call.  It saved Egypt from impending disaster in which Qatar and foreign funds and agents were active as "agents provocateurs."  A popular voice for the removal of a dictator, needs, for its enforcement, the backing of a national army.  That national army timely acted.  And the Egyptian public which sings even through its critical moments chanted: "May God Bless the Hands of Our Army!!"  (Teslam El-Ayadi. Ayadi Qaish Bilady).  The Copts sang even lounder!!
 Imbecility/Mental Weakness #4

  • The security forces committed a war crime by killing "more than a thousand peaceful demonstrators at Rabaa and El-Nahdha squares in Cairo!!"
  • Well; isn't that fanciful?!  For six weeks from July 3 to August 14, the government called on the hordes to end their emirates which they declared in the heart of Cairo of 10 million inhabitants.  The governments pleaded to "please, go home and avoid bloodshed!!"  
  • Response: more defiance; more smuggling of arms; killing by throwing someone from the roof of a building at Rabaa; calls by the armed demonstrators for outside intervention; non-sensical support from the new Ottoman Caliph, Mr. Ordogan from his multi-million dollars palace in Ankara; felonious attacks against the besieging security forces which kept exits open for those wanting to end that open rebellion.
  • Finally, the Rabaa and Al-Mahdha sieges had to be broken by force.  Yes, people died: demonstrators and security forces.  A tragedy; self-inflicted wounds by the murderous gangs of the Brotherhood.
 The sad list of imbecilities goes on and on and on:

  • Suppression of free expression!  Response: Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, causing a stampede and death is not a "freedom of expression."  In national emergencies, communal rights temporarily trump individual rights. 
  • Abortion of democracy!!  Response: What is your definition of "democracy?"  In the global dictionary, there is no consensual definition of three terms: democracy, terrorism, and aggression.  If Egypt needs time to put its house in order, who are these alien voices to judge an incomplete process?!
  • Terrorism in Sinai is the result of suppressing the Islamists!  How laughable is the claim that action on security is the cause of terrorism!!  Show me on the world map a major region which is free today from some acts of terrorism!!  This includes the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, France, Russia, China, Australia, India.  Muslims ignorant of their own faith commit these horrendous acts.  Motivations: imagined injustice and a cultish belief in rewarding their crimes by palaces in paradise.
  • The Egyptian Law on Public Demonstrators is brutal!!  Well!!  I have examined the U.S. laws on the same issue, and found that by comparison, the Egyptian law is less stringent.
Now:  Let us hear the voice of El-Sisi at the U.N. General Assembly on September 24, 2014 put the ravings of the Uncoordinated Hulk to rest.  In response to the global demand to stand united in the face of terror through religion, this President who came to power only in June 2014 declared:
Terrorism is a plague that does not differentiate between developing and developed societies as it spreads.  Terrorists come from different societies.  They are not bound together by any true religious faith.  That is why it is imperative that we all intensify our cooperation and coordination efforts, pursuant to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and in fulfilment of its objectives, to end the support provided to those terrorist organizations that enables them to continue perpetrating crimes.
America's siding with the Brotherhood shall not bring Islamic rule back.  U.S. pundits, media and NGOs, through their interference in the internal affairs of Egypt, are summarily rejected.  America's "exceptionalism" should stay at home; it is not for export, especially to the New Egypt.  The New Egypt shall move, at its own pace towards democratization and freedom from terror and want without uninvited helping hands.

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