Friday, October 10, 2014

SATANIC ISIS Led to a World-Wide Discovery: It and Islam Have Never Met

Don't call it IS (Islamic State).  Call it SI (Satanic ISIS)

This is a veritable case of misrepresentation.  Whatever ISIS is, Islam is not.  Unfortunately for the 1.6 billion Muslims, the term "Islam" cannot be patented.

Sometimes, crooked businesses, in furtherance of their under-handed schemes, steal trademarks.  On an assignment in the year 2000 from the World Bank in Yemen, I was informed by the Aden judges of an amusing case.  NABISCO is a well-known name brand for biscuit production.  A Yemeni company jumped in with a biscuit product which it called YAMISCO.  Their ruse was short-lived.  NABISCO sued YAMISCO in Aden.  The court verdict was for NABISCO.  Its trademark which is internationally recognized, could not be stolen.

Such protection is unavailable for Islam as a term.  So ISIS and other murderous organizations which call themselves Islamic could use that great term/name for their sinister reasons.  From recruitment to funding; from legitimation to globalization; from salesmanship on behalf of dark causes to intimidation of millions who mistake "the Islamic State" for a real State.

But gradually, ISIS, unintentionally has led the world to a discovery -Islam and ISIS have never met.  For the following reasons, the claimed encounter is revealed as "the lie of century":

  • "Holy War," as a term, does not exist in Islam.  Jihad, meaning struggle, does not mean "holy war."  Thus raising a black flag with an inscription of "God and Muhammad" for the purpose of war is very alien to Islam.  It is anti-Islamic.  Even the term "just war," does not exist in Islamic jurisprudence.  But "self-defense," as a basic human right, does exist, as in every legal system and culture, including Islam.
  • Islam defines killing as a crime against humanity, unless done by a sovereign empowerment; meaning by State action for self-defense.  There is no recognition in Islamic law of free-lance killing.
  • For this, the Quran, the overriding source of Sharia, gives a specific definition.  It says: "We ordained for the children of Israel that any one who slew a person -unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land -it would be as if he slew the whole people; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people." (Chapter V, verse 32)
  • Over the past six weeks, four westerners were butchered by ISIS.  These martyrs were American journalists James Foley and Steve Sotloff, and British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning.  This depravity attests to a central fact: Creating martyrs through a butcher's knife shall be the global force which is destined to annihilate Satanic ISIS.
Humanity can clearly see its face in these two journalists, reporting on the evolution of the Arab Spring into a tragedy in Syria and Iraq.  That human face can also be discerned in Haines and Henning providing aid and comfort through Christian hands to Muslim and non-Muslim victims of these tragic upheavals.  

The words of the executioner addressed to the U.S. President reflect ISIS total detachment form the human race.  He claims that Obama has started aerial bombardment of Syria, and adds with the callousness of a coward: "So it is only right that we continue to strike the neck of your people."  These victims were not only Obama's people.  They were the people of every decent human being every where.

Obviously, the desert murderers who call themselves "Islamic" have no values to share, no principles to uphold, no cause and effect to demonstrate, no faith to defend.  Nor do they have feelings for the appeals by the families of their victims or the exhortations by the world-wide Muslim leadership, and even by Al-Qaeda, to sheath that knife and let these brave men go.

How can ISIS be not anti-Islamic when it fights for a non-existing cause, except that of power enveloped in darkness?  It has never met the Quranic injunction against crimes against humanity.  For the Quran states: "Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits, for God loveth not transgressors." (Chapter 2, Verse 190).

Satanic ISIS may, for a while, control 25% of Iraq and large Syrian territory.  But eventually, there shall be just reckoning whose day shall dawn over that desert where the sands is soaked with the blood of the innocent.

Calling ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, or The Friends of Jerusalem jihadi organizations reflects ignorance of what jihad in Islam means.  Those entities wrap themselves in these terms seeking legitimation, recruits and funding.  To them the term "jihad" is the other side of their false coin of "Islamic."  

Since "jihad" does not mean "combat," but means "struggle," let us seek the meaning of "struggle" from the words of the Prophet Muhammad himself.  Praising non-violence, he said: "The best struggle (jihad) is to speak the truth before a tyrannical ruler."  Speaking truth to power!!  He also admonished: "The best struggle is to struggle against your soul and your passions in the way of God Most High."

These are the immutable values of Islam.  ISIS depravity has no limits.  And in the name of what?  Islam?  Satanic ISIS and Islam have never met.

Oh!! One more thing, Satanic ISIS: Don't look upward to heaven!!  The skies above have nothing for you except -except rain of bombs.  You started that war, against humanity.  Now humanity shall know when to end the conflagration which your jihad for Satan has triggered!!

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