Call it what you may. Trump Land has a mind of its own. That is where 49 million Americans live. This is the other America which "the progressives" choose not to see. But they are there. Living under two flags: The Stars and Stripes (for the USA), and the Confederate flag for the region below the Mason-Dixon line.
That other America refuses to be ignored. It has its own ethos, its own version of history, its own heroes, including General Robert E. Lee and Donald Trump. This is the so-called "Base" which fills Trump's lungs with lots of oxygen. Yes, their highest level of education is probably a high school certificate. But they are very vocal.
Where is the mind of that "other America?" What is their symbiotic relationship with Donald Trump -America's mad emperor? Why are they sticking with him? Why does he exult in their presence? Especially when they are wearing his hat proclaiming MAGA (Make America Great Again) -A kind of swastika, not in a symbol, but in letters.
Here is what they think, what they passionately believe in, what propels them to say "Trump is the greatest American President," even as they lose jobs. Their sincerity is pathetic -but cannot be overlooked.
"Build The Wall!!" They yell. Without a wall on the southern border, they feel unsafe. When you ask them: "Would Mexico pay for it?" They do not stutter as they respond: "It may." What are their statistics on the benefit of calling for the wall? Ninety-percent has been the reduction in the number of "those invading us from the south." How about the central Americans fleeing north for fear of their lives? "That is their problem. We have to keep Americans and our jobs safe from them."
When you point out the devastation of climate change, such as Hurricane Harvey which decimated parts of the South, including Texas, they shrug it off. They mouth off what Trump has been proclaiming: "It is a hoax." "Not man-made." The Bible, to them, has replaced scientific studies regarding storms and hurricanes. Devastation is a heavenly reminder to them to build it again. A symbol of death and resurrection.
Is coal good or bad? To the other America, it is good. Good for jobs, good for energy, good for America. How about its effects on the environment, on health, on the landscape? Negligible, they say. "When Hillary attacked coal, she attacked our livelihood, our way of life." To them, smoke stacks are signs of progress, of America the manufacturer, America is bountiful.
"Are these your views also about oil exploration and refining?" No hesitation as they respond gleefully "yes." "Otherwise," they add argumentatively, "go back to America of old-America of horse and buggy." They show off with the miles and miles of oil installations. To them, when they smell oil, they smell money. The same coveted odor.
How about God? "Do you believe in God?" -you ask? They look at you as if you were stark crazy. "Jesus Is Alive," they respond, with their hands pointing at big signs making that proclamation at the entrance to most of their towns. Revival singing is their connection to the Almighty, and the words in their holy books are taken literally. Like in the case of Muslim Brotherhood which, since its inception in 1928 in Egypt, has tried to spread the belief that "The Quran Is Our Constitution."
Abortion in Trump Land is a violation of both the will of God, and of personal liberty. They regard life as beginning at conception. Roe v. Wade, as a case granting the right to abortion as "a constitutional right," was wrongly decided. Reversing it by the same high court is a course correction. "If you don't want children, give them to someone who can raise them," they insist. Yes we agree to the death penalty for adults, they point out, but not to fetuses which have no say until they are born.
"What do you think of Trump's support for people marching with swastikas on arm bands?" This is the right of those marching. The right to freedom of expression. They keep "the leftists from the North out of our streets." Without those defenders of our autonomy, Government as an evil intruder, would run our lives. The States are the decider, not Washington.
"Are you a racist when espousing that virulent type of nationalism?" No, is their quick answer. We are proud white Americans. And we shall defend the Trump call for "America First" at all costs. Even when it means that "America is for Whites only." Why? "Because we believe that the Whites are supporting the non-Whites, by their tax dollars.
And what do you think of removing the statues of southern generals, like Robert E. Lee, from your public squares? Indignantly they respond: "This is atrocious. Those generals have fought for our freedom. They lived and died for us. This is our history. Don't obliterate our history. If you don't like our statues or our flag of the Confederacy, stay out of our midst. This is our part of the United States. Don't call what happens during the Lincoln presidency 'the civil war.' Call it by its real name: 'The War Between the States.'"
Conclusion: The United States is at present, a divided country. The civil ware of old is now fought as "a cultural civil war." The demonstrators for "the Blue Wave," (democrats winning in the midterm elections of November 6, 2018) are called "the grand children of Nancy Pelosi" (the former democratic House Speaker and the next, as of January 2019.)
Regardless of the outcome of the midterm elections which won for the Democrats 40 additional seats, "the other America" is not likely to fade away. The Trump's efforts at dividing this nation threatens to be lasting. "Toward a More Perfect Union" looks today to be a pie in the sky.
For the Republican party has now been coopted by Trump. Alas!! Hate, chaos, isolation from the world are the big signs of America of today. "Power Is Fear" -to quote Trump!! The other America with tattoos over its arms has espoused it.
Note: With this posting, Alazhar Forever blog series shall terminate. Happy Holidays.
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