Gone are the days in 1998 when I was gleeful about him -the Honorable Mayor of New York City. Rudy Giuliani had agreed to write the prologue (foreword) to my book published in 2000. Its title was: "Government Ethics and Law Enforcement." With me as co-editors were two colleagues in the legal profession: Kevin Ford, Esq., and Mark Davies, Esq.
But in these chaotic times of Trump, Rudy has been appointed the President's personal lawyer, espousing anti-ethics to match his anti-law. The Giuliani of today feels no shame when he publicly says: "The Truth Is Not the Truth."
Yet as a former prosecutor, Giuliani should know that the truth is a quality of being accurate or honest or sincere or loyal. It is conformity to fact or actuality. It is a statement proven to be or accepted as true. It is fidelity to an original or standard. It is veracity or verity.
Mr. Giuliani should know that "truth" is the bedrock of an oath to "tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, so Help Me God." From there begins the law of evidence. Even the Muslim community of 1440 years ago adhered to that standard as their ABC in litigation. The Second Enlightened Caliph, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab decreed that "The burden of evidence is shouldered by the plaintiff."
Rudy: Can you still read? If yes, then check what the following masters have said. Charles Seymour declared: "We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences." And Thomas H. Huxley advised that "veracity is the heart of morality." And James Harvey Robinson referred to the term "verity" as applying to an enduring or repeatedly demonstrated truth. His very words were: "beliefs that were accepted as eternal verities."
So, Rudy, your unconvincing narrative is an undisputed chican cry. For it is a deceptive subterfuge. Playing with words -your "truth is not truth" is intended to convey that there is no accepted standard. If so, then your own oath of office was nothing but fake. So must has been Trump's oath upon inaugurating him as President of these United States in January 2017.
You, Sir, have affirmed in your prologue to my book on "Government Ethics" the following: "Corruption and unethical behavior prevent any government from efficiently and effectively serving the needs of its citizens. In addition, corruption undermines respect for the rule of law and for the democratic process that are the very core of our system of government. Controlling this evil successfully is a constant challenge for any government."
These are the first sentences you wrote for my book published by Praeger in the year 2000. It is a book which I saw fit to dedicate to "the City of New York." But that was the Giuliani whom I fully respected at that time.
And when my city was attacked by the criminal gang of Al-Qaeda, I saw fit to work on yet another book entitled "Perspectives on 9/11," published in 2004 and dedicated to my beloved institution in Brooklyn -"St. Francis College."
I truly pity your fall from what you were to what you are now -a hot-air bag, a mouth piece for a declining presidency of a Liar-in-Chief, called Donald J. Trump. Your boss, by fact-checkers, has lied more than four-thousand times, since occupying the Oval Office.
The guidelines for both of you, Liar and Enabler, have been "the destruction of the Administrative State." A non-principle laid down by a fascist called Steven Bannon, who recently said in Europe: "When they call you a racist, wear it with pride" (or something to that effect). What pride can any rational human being find in demeaning others because of the color of their skin?
As a Bannonite, you Rudy attacked John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, now a professor at the venerable Fordham University School of Law. For when Brennan said that the Muslim spectacle of Hajj to Mecca was a captivating scene, you, Giuliani called for bringing charges against Brennan for endangering by that praise "national security!!"
Really, Rudy!! Truthfully speaking, your and Trump's anti-Islamism is the very essence of threatening America's national security. Your words, Rudy, are what the remnants of ISIS are waiting for. They are the oxygen which is prolonging the life of jihadism beyond their shelf-life.
And that is the Truth, so Help Me God!!
And why mix religion with politics, Mr. Lawyer Giuliani? Religion is about faith, and politics are about power!! Faith is in the heart; politics are in the mind. One is belief in the invisible; the other is an advocacy for the material. The mix is combustible as we learnt from the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.
You have plunged head-on mixing the Muslim pilgrimage with American national security. Only crazies can see any rationality in such a cocktail. Only you and Trump and Bannon Inc. can mix that cocktail during your "Happy Hour." Reason why Trump, on Monday, August 27 urged the evangelical Christian leaders to break federal law and openly support him from the pulpit.
Commented the New York Times of August 31, 2018 on that hallucination by saying: "Truth, fantasy and deceit slosh together with Mr. Trump." That was under the title: "After Mr. Trump, the Deluge?"
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