Friday, September 23, 2016

The Goring of America's Governance By Trump's Bullying Arrogance!!

What a super weird phenomenon. That out of control bully called Donald J. Trump!! The more he lies, the more he is believed by his public which glorifies under-education. And the greater the manifestations of his shallowness in all matters, domestic or foreign, the louder he shouts "Make America Great Again."

Trump has positions on every issue. But what he adopts today, he changes tomorrow. When called on the flip flops, he assures his audiences that the reporting is to blame. Or he hires voices, civil and military, to explain the absence of coherence. They call such hired guns surrogates. A surrogate is a substitute, a deputy. Originally referring to the grantor of a marriage license. But that surrogateship is subject to unpredictable firing. So the surrogates, when boxed in by a media question, have found a firewall. They respond: "Ask him."

Donald Trump's vocabulary is rotative. His verbiage galaxy gravitates to a non-changing vocabulary. The words "disaster," "terrible," "stupid," "crooked," "dishonest," "liar," "hell," "trust me," "sit down," "get him out," "phony," and "loser," gush out constantly from his mouth. With lips pierced forward, and hands gesturing, and a face dripping of bullying arrogance.

His journey of 16 months in presidential politics has proved disastrous for this only super power, called the United States. Like a raging bull charging in all directions, he has gored both the union and the concept of "State." A practiced con man for two decades as a real estate tycoon turned entertainer, he has sensed an opening for coveting the "oval office." To Trump, governing and deal-making have the same modus operandi. So he proclaims to rapturous applause that "no body can make deals like Trump."

But America has a complex system. Many governments, from a municipal water authority to the state legislature, in every one of the fifty states. With a federal government of limited and enumerated powers. And with delicate checks and balances prescribed in the Constitution. And with an electoral system where voting for a president does not automatically elect that president. There is an electoral college, changing demographics, varying state rules for validating the right to vote, and a competition limited largely to the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Yes there is a durable Constitution which has survived unscathed for 240 years, which a defined yet overlapping jurisdictions for the three branches of government -Congress, the Executive, and the Judiciary. But the definition of "a person" has now been enlarged by a Supreme Court decision (in the case of Citizens United) to consider money as also endowed with a voice. Under the elastic theory of the freedom of expression. Thus donations to candidates for office are regarded, by that unhappy decision, as a variant of "freedom of expression." On top of all of that, the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants everyone the right to bear arms.

Yet America's governance is not akin to a Trump deal for running a casino or building a "Trump Tower." The Donald does not see it that way.

For him "Make America Great Again" is like another project where success depends on being a super-tough negotiator. Ready to bamboozle the other side by either staring them down, walking out of the room, or offering enticements which may not be kept.

This Trumpism has created a cancerous lack of trust by the average citizen in how America is run. An issue which I now predict, whether Trump wins or loses the presidency, shall contaminate faith in America's institutions. The bond of trust between the government and the governed has been impaired. Not necessarily for all time. That instinctive faith in America's exceptionalism, equality before the law, and the generational advancement towards a continuum of improvement, is fading.

Born to wealth, Trump has been a life-long practitioner of using others as temporary tools. His upbringing has never led to feeling the pain of the downtrodden. His real estate dealings, largely dependent on gaming the system of taxation and finance, are not conductive to giving. But to taking, under the guise of giving. His chances for military service, community service, volunteering for involvement with society for uplifting purposes, were either avoided or evaded. Not thought of as worthy of his time.

Trump's time has come to ride a wave of American unease about globalization, immigration, job outsourcing out of America, and the shrinkage of the whites demographics. By 2030, the whites shall be 45% of the entire population. Having a black president in the White House forced the racial issue to the surface. Or to the belief that if a black man can be president, "so can I," a wealthy white deal-maker.

"I alone can fix it" is a Trump campaign slogan. Not conducive to learning from the experts. In fact, intended to downgrade experience in favor of "gut feeling." Politicians embedded in Congress, practicing the art of political longevity, gave a bad name to "politician," "political correctness," "the ways of Washington," and "business as usual." A circular argument: "If I am not doing well, the government is responsible." So shrinking government, while despising it, has become the lifeblood of the Trump corpus of non-ideas for combative conservatism.

Topping all of this, is the fear from jihadism, which has splintered. Causing the conventional ways of defense and offense to become irrelevant. One single terrorist act anywhere stokes the fires of rage, helplessness, and the need for brutalizing responses.

So for month after month after month, Trump has been at it. Goring the American system to satisfy the political circus. A circus which he has been found to respond to his need for self-adoration -narcissism. Thus arose the populist call for change -any change. Trump's disconnected thoughts have been broadcast nearly constantly. Had Trump been forced to pay for that free publicity, the cost would have been $2 Billions.

The truth of the matter is that there is no end to the range of the Trumpist rage. He strikes in every direction. Here follow selections. Limited here to the Executive, described by Trump's wayward movement as rigged and broken.
  • About President Obama as a citizen: He is illegitimate. Why Donald? He is probably born out of the U.S. Trump has thus acknowledged to be the profane author of "the Birther Movement." In spite of his recent admission to the contrary as a price for gaining Afro-American support.
  • About Obama's professional credentials: Trump claims that Obama's education at Harvard may be untrue.
  • About Obama's record as President: "Weak;" "the worst President in the history of America."
  • About Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State: "If elected to the presidency, she will be the continuation of the disastrous Obama years."
  • On Hillary's fitness for the Oval Office: "She has a poor judgment;" "influenced by donations by the millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation;" "a liar;" "exposed our national security to danger through her emails on a personal server." For Trump, it is always "Crooked Hillary."
  • On Hillary's advisors: "She brought in Huma Abidin, possibly a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, to guide her decision-making."
  • On Founding ISIS: "Obama and Hillary founded ISIS."
  • How about Secretary of State, John Kerry?: Donald claims that he would make better deals than John Kerry. "Kerry left the negotiations room where the Iran nuclear deal was being negotiated to ride a bicycle." A characterization by a lunatic with zero experience in foreign affairs.
  • On foreign affairs: "Wouldn't be nice to bring Russia in with us to fight ISIS?;" "Putin of Russia is a better president than Obama. He is strong; ours is indecisive." "I'll nullify the Iran nuclear deal on day one of my presidency."
  • On military matters: Donald would replace the present generals by "my own generals;" "I'll make our military so strong that nobody would dare mess with us;" "Why do we have nuclear arms if we don't use them?;" "NATO is obsolete."
  • On terrorism: Trump arrogantly claims to know more about ISIS "than the Generals." He claims to have a secret plan to deal with ISIS. A charlatan who avoided by subterfuge any form of military service, or for this matter, any national service.
And on and on, Trump projects "the tough guy" image. Without the benefit of any facts. Yet his blatant racism regarding blacks, Muslims, Latino has gone on for a year and a half unchecked. Nicholas Kristof, in a column in the New York Times of September 8, 2016, sums up the idiocy of Trumpism. Such an admirable summation is difficult to ignore quoting from with elaboration:
  • "Whether in his youth, in his business career or in his personal life, Trump's story is that of a shallow egoist who uses those around him;"
  • "He made a mess of his personal life and has been repeatedly accused of racism, of cheating people, of lying, of stiffing charities;"
  • "His life is a vacuum of principle, and he never seems to have stood up for anything larger than himself;" and
  • "Over seven decades, there's one continuing theme to his life story: This is a narcissist who has no core. The lights are on, but no one's home."
The Republican party, the party of Lincoln, has largely been hijacked by that con man, Donald J. Trump. What remains has been badly splintered. This election for US president is undoubtedly the most important in our lifetime.

Those in America who feel either angry, left behind, or disadvantaged, are flocking to the banner of Trumpism. If elected to the Oval office, the consequences for America and the world cannot be predicted. The only prediction is that the trust between the citizen in the US and his or her government is, as of now, shaken to its roots. "The system must be changed" has been a Trump advocacy. "Trust Me," Trump keeps on repeating. Though his whole history is a tattered record of lying and cheating.

Serious damage has also been visited upon the quality of political discourse. Expletives have been liberally used. Incitement to violence by Trump against his detractors has become common place.

We now have a debased language, expressing misfacts, propagated through his Nazi-like rallies, proclaiming the end of the American orderly system of governance. A reminder of the pre-Nazi Weimar Republic. In favor of "America First," dressed up in a racist vestments, brandishing the fear of "soon we shall have no country."

In all certainty, that bully, win or lose, shall benefit. If he loses, as I pray he would, Trump will relaunch his biggest "reality show." Blaming that loss on conspiracies. And if he wins, the consequences cannot be but ominous.

Mr. Trump: Here are reasons for my assessment: Your lying about your contacts with Russia for personal gain; your appearance on the Kremlin TV to denigrate Obama, and American foreign policy; your threat to nullify American defense commitments and trade agreements; your boasting about readiness to use nuclear arms against European allies; and your insane claim to single-handedly "Make America Great Again."

Furthermore, you have:
  • Called for packing the U.S. Supreme Court with judges who will tilt that institution further to the right;
  • Mocked the disabled, falsely claimed seeing Muslims celebrating in New Jersey the criminal destruction of the World Trade Center; denigrated women for their menstrual period;
  • Attacked the media for fact-checking, and for calling you on your barrage of lies;
  • Tweeted obscenities and was convulsively rattled for getting opposing tweets in return;
  • Fabricated your health record by claiming that you are the healthiest person who have ever run for office; though refusing to divulge a credible health record;
  • Insinuated that those with guns might remove Hillary from the scene;
  • Thought that Saddam and Qaddafi should have stayed in place to fight terrorism;
  • Continuously calling for an American grab of Arab oil fields by the force of arms;
  • Called for punishing women for seeking abortion;
  • Declared as a policy priority the deportation of eleven million undocumented immigrants now living in the U.S.;
  • Called for arming Japan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea with nuclear weapons;
  • Advocated the legality of water boarding as a means of extracting confessions from terrorist suspects;
  • Insisted on calling criminal jihadists "Islamic terrorists," though they, by their crimes, have opted out of Islam. Even when such criminal acts are committed by American citizens who happen to claim being Muslims;
  • Kept on calling or insinuating that President Obama is "a closet Muslim." Which is patently an Islamophobic lie. Mr. Trump: Islam is a faith not a disease. What drips from your mouth in regard to Islam is what ISIS loves to exploit.
It was a Muslim immigrant (Mr. Khizr Khan) who had lost his son, a US army officer killed in a battle in Iraq, who publicly impugned your credentials as a patriot. On national TV, he challenged you on two main fronts: Your knowledge deficit regarding the U.S. Constitution, and your moral deficit regarding sacrificing for your country.

Holding aloft a copy of the U.S. Constitution, Mr. Khan intoned: "Have you even read the U.S. Constitution?" Then slammed you down on your narcissism, saying "Have you ever sacrificed anything or anyone?" 

Your retort manifested your ignorance of the meaning of sacrifice. For you responded by parading your record as a builder. Khan meant nation-building. You, being alien to community giving, thought of hiring labor to construct "Trump Towers" as sacrifice for your nation. What an imbecile!!

Khan lost his son in the war on Iraq. Your sons from 3 marriages stand safe in shiny suits, ready to inherit your ill-gotten gains. Reason to support the return by America to compulsory military service. Might be a factor in slowing down congressional penchant for endless wars.

You are still adamantly refusing to divulge your tax returns, raising suspicions about whether you have even paid any taxes since 2008. Justifiable suspicions as you bragged about gaming the system and exploiting loopholes.

Your so-called charitable foundation is a means of enriching your "deplorable" self, causing the New York Attorney General to begin investigating it. And the case against the fraud called "Trump University" is going forward. Regardless of your racist attacks on the federal judge who presides over it. Calling that judge biased because of "his Mexican ancestry."

Sir, how can you expect this electorate to believe in your oft-repeated call on the public "Believe Me."  It is a steep climb for anyone, but your own core crowd of "America Firsters," to believe in you as a possible occupant of the Oval office. 

You, Donald Trump, has received last week a dishonorable mention on the world stage. It was issued by none other than the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Raad Al-Hussein of Jordan. He slammed you down as among the politicians who "peddle fear to exploit economic hardship and social tension."

Another deeply negative assessment of you, Mr. Trump, was voiced in emails by General Colin Powell of the U.S. Without mincing his words, he described you as "a national disgrace and an international pariah."

In the same vein, the US Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) responded to Trump's racism. Honoring in Washington, D.C. both Obama and Hillary Clinton on September 17, the CBC spokesmen let loose on Trump all kinds of epithets. Called him "a racist," "a bigot," a "fraud." It was payback time for Trump's constant humiliation of America's first black president.

At that ceremony telecast on CNN internationally, Obama urged black voters to give him a befitting send-off. "Vote for the continuation of my legacy," he urged his audience -meaning voting for Hillary. The symbiotic relationship between Trump and the "Alt Right" (extreme right) would undoubtedly, in a Trump presidency, destroy the Obama legacy.

That call for American "national action now" (Obama's words at that farewell ceremony) reverberated south of the border, and north of the border.

In Mexico, Trump's call for a wall along the southern border was met with derision. In his lunatic characterization of the Mexicans as "rapists" and "drug dealers," he was advocating an ideology of hate "of the other." That Trump wall "should be paid for by Mexico," he hallucinated publicly. The proud Mexicans poured on their president torrents of criticism for inviting Donald to Mexico City. Combining those attacks with laughter as they called on crazy Trump to "Come and Get it!!"

In Canada, while I was in Toronto this past August, I raised this question at formal dinners. "What would Canada do if Trump occupied the Oval Office?" Their confident answer was: "We shall welcome American immigrants into our midst to help Canada keep on building!!"

Mr. Trump: Calling you "unfit for the presidency" is an understatement. You, a prospective war criminal and a war lord, pose a clear and present danger to America and the world; might ignite either endless wars or a civil war in this great land; and make America not "Great Again," but an America ruled by a gun-toting mobocracy. 

Concluding by a statement unambiguously disqualifying Trump from the occupancy of the Oval Office. Uttered by Jennifer Granholm, the former Governor of the State of Michigan. Said she: "Trump is a con man. Completely unacceptable. Trying now to con America into believing that he can be President!!"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dr Ayouty for eloquently summarizing the horror we l face 7 weeks from now (and now already as his influence plays itself out in the meanness of discourse -- in police shootings -- in belligerence -- in admiration for such as Putin and Assad-- etc). Yes, we can see the history that has led to this pass. But that does not diminish the dread or the anger. That 1/3 to 1/2 our citizens actually believe and admire this "shallow narcissist " and fascist automaton is, beyond being frightening, a sad reminder that our country is split and has been for the past 20+ years. That split has become murderous! The Egyptian people with their great good sense are needed by us now! Barry Fruchter/Dov Rose
