In America, Trump has 14 other competitors saying "he is no good." In Syria and Iraq, there is a fractured international coalition, saying "ISIS is no good." But Trump has his own plane, his own helicopter. ISIS has its own tunnels and human shields to protect its forces from the coalition's air strikes.
Since June 2015, all American pundits assured their audiences that the Trump bubble would soon burst. But the Trump "bubble," if it is a bubble, has now expanded. Became a tent for its adherents. Same with ISIS. Predictions of its disappearance soon proved pre-mature. Like the Mark Twain famous saying: "News of my demise are greatly exaggerated."
But the real commonality between Trump and ISIS is akin to a domain previously reserved for the Nazi propagandist Goebbels. The big lie technique. The bravado!! The blustering swaggering conduct. The pretense of bravery. The slate of being foolhardy.
Here are the elements in common between those two phenomena: Trump and ISIS, the inhabitants of fool's paradise. Gleaned over a period of time from what they say.
- "I'll Make America Great Again." Says Trump. "I'll Make Islam Great Again!!" Says ISIS. But how? "When I become President, I shall make our military so powerful, so strong, nobody shall dare mess with us." In Trump's words. "We shall fight on either to victory or to martyrdom." Declares the ISIS propaganda machine.
- "I, Donald J. Trump, hereby call for banning all Muslims from entering America. See what happened in Paris, in California." Trump intones. Great fodder for the ISIS propaganda department. Picked up by an affiliate -Al-Shabab in Somalia and Kenya. A video on Trump played over and over and over again. Affiliates of ISIS rush in with reinforcements. Declaring that all non-Muslims hate Islam. Islam, they claim, is at war. Especially with America.
- And Trump is ready to oblige. "Obama is a Muslim. He is not even born in America. Obama is Kenyan. I'm not at all sure who he is. But one thing I know: He is the worst President in the history of this country," Declared Trump. Al-Baghdadi of ISIS and his goons are ready to recruit, especially from among Muslims in Europe and America. "We call on all Muslims to come to the Islamic State. That is where you will be safe. Will be respected." An inducement beamed by all social media controlled by ISIS. A million tweets daily, luring the disaffected to the dungeons of ISIS. To its dark underground vaults.
- "If we want to defeat ISIS, let us take all oil in the Middle East. You take the oil, you defund ISIS." Implores Trump. "Arab oil is Muslim oil. It belongs in Bait Al-Mal (The Islamic Exchequer). Our natural and national resources. It is to be sold to fund jihad." An ISIS stance whereby oil flows for sale through Turkey. Black gold, not under Trump's thumb. But under ISIS control.
- On the stump, and to the wild cheers of supporters in Burlington, Vermont, Trump declares that Iran is a mortal enemy. "The worst deal was the Iran nuclear deal. They get $150 billion from US (in fact it is Iran's money), and keep their nuclear program as well. We are very stupid." And thousands of Vermont citizens go wild. Cheering repeatedly: "Trump!! Trump!! Trump!!" ISIS is also on board there. But from a different angle. "Shii Iran is the enemy of all Sunnis. They want to take over the gulf. The Saudis cannot stop Iran. But ISIS can." Blares unthinkingly the bullhorns of ISIS.
- "Yes, yes..." cried Trump. "Iran has taken over Iraq. It now controls the second largest oil reserves in the world. Next only to Saudi Arabia. So now they are fixing their gaze on Saudi Arabia. That Kingdom is Iran's next victim. And Washington will do nothing about the Ayatollahs." From Trump's declarations. Again ISIS is on board. "Jihadism is the answer. Shiism is apostasy. We are the troops of true Islam." An ISIS propaganda tack. Used for legitimating their barbarism. Their butchery.
- "What? A guy over there is protesting?! Take him out. He does not belong here. He is nobody. Kick him out. But keep his jacket. Don't give him his coat. It is 10 degrees below zero outside. Yes. Keep his coat." So orders Trump his security bouncers. ISIS has its goons as well. They do not kick their opponents out. They need them as human shields, as female comfort for their operatives (fornication jihad), or for huge ransoms if allowed to migrate. ISIS does not keep the coats of their opponents. They keep their heads. Severed from their bodies.
- "I fund my own campaign." So says Trump. "I am smart, rich, and I am not part of the establishment. I don't know what 'political correctness' is all about." Trump's political ID. ISIS, too, is proud of its self-sufficiency. Tired of the establishment. To them Islamic scholars are the "Sultan's scholars." Hirelings for authority. Persons who serve for hire. Especially for purely mercenary motives.
- "My rallies are attended by thousands upon thousands. From all kinds of classes. They love me. Because I am successful, independent. Even ashamed of my own Republican party. My Republican opponents?! Ha!! They are falling down one by one. They have no energy. Look at Jeb Bush. He is a loser. I opposed the war on Iraq." Well, guess what?! So claims ISIS regarding its opponents. Whether Sunnis or Shiis. The stridency of ISIS is getting louder, especially when they are losing ground. "God is on our side!!" Shout the ISIS media. "Our energy is unlimited. The war on Iraq was a war on Islam. Also for oil." An ISIS persistent claim.
- Both Trump and ISIS are presently surfing the same dark waves. Waves of discontent, resentment, frustration, and lack of education and opportunity.
- And the hordes of each of the two, Trump and ISIS, are hungry for non-sensical rhetoric (the old art of empty oratory) pleasing to the ear, non-penetrating of closed minds.
- Anti-feminism is also a common denominator between Trump and ISIS. Admittedly not in the same degree or on the same grounds. For Trump, a woman TV anchor, when tough in questioning him, "has blood oozing from her everywhere." And Hillary Clinton, the anticipated Democratic rival of Trump for the presidency "cannot be a commander-in-chief. She lacks stamina" -declared the Donald of multiple divorces. For ISIS, women are not equal to men. They belong behind the niqab (covering the entire face, except for the eyes). This is Sharia -claims the ISIS platform. Forgetting that women sat with the Prophet Muhammad at his decision-making councils. And at times, their advice prevailed over his.
- Both Trump and ISIS claim total fidelity to God. Though God is one, one for all faiths, Trump, in a play towards the evangelicals of Iowa declares "I am a true Christian, a protestant."
- Of course, for ISIS, Islam is a trade. It is a bargaining chip -used to demonize Christians, Jews, and all other religions. Even non-sympathetic Sunnis are mortal enemies to ISIS. For both Trump and ISIS, God is an item for sale. A stock in trade.
- A final crazy refrain from Don Quixote, now back to life as Don Trump. "I'll bomb everywhere!! I don't care." This is what ISIS does. Same threatening language. As they manipulate social media in the most insane social ways.
- Both Trump and ISIS have also one feature in common: They both are headed toward failure. Their calls are false; their cause is transient; their adversaries are closing on; their rhetoric shall soon be forgotten; their promises are unattainable.
Home is a sane America. And a sane Muslim world. Neither one is an enemy of the other. Trump's towers are not real towers. And Al-Baghdadi caliphate is only a mirage. The commonality between the two is merely transitory.
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