Friday, November 13, 2015

Idiotic Claims on the Giza Pyramids By the Most Ignorant of Today's Stupids!!

The claimants cover the three Ibrahamic faiths: Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The democratization of insane ignorance.

Some Jews claim that they built those pyramids. A Christian running for the U.S. presidency, Ben Carson, claims that the pyramids were used by biblical Joseph to store grains. And the Muslim Brotherhood saw in the Giza pyramids idolic symbols that should be destroyed.

All idiotic claims by the most ignorant of today's stupids; the crazy revisionists of world history. Under the guise of giving themselves a leg up on the ladder of legitimacy. And the evidence is clear through the following facts. Facts that are stubborn enough to make those claimants the world's laughing stock!!

As students in Egypt, our curriculum included "Ancient Egypt." At both the primary and secondary levels. And all history majors at the university level are required to pass that course before graduation. I was one of them. This is the DNA of Egyptian education. It has a basic pedagogical reason: The modern Egyptian is thought of as an amalgam of ancient Egyptians and Arabs.

That genealogical link is the back bone of never-ceasing Egyptian nationalism. It has served Egypt well. No foreign occupation of Egypt went unpunished. From the days of the Hyksos to the days of the Zionists.

Now to the historical facts about the Giza pyramids. And down with the myth information maintained by some of the Jews; by an Afro-American Christian brain surgeon who should get his own brain operated on; and the un-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood whose leader one day said: "To Hell With Egypt." (Toz Fi Massr)!!

  • The age of the pyramid builders began with "The Old Kingdom." It lasted for 500 years. A united regime with a firm throne, occupied by a great pharaoh worshiped as God or God's representation by a pious population.
  • The entire history of "The Old Kingdom" was characterized by self reliance and self sufficiency. Through those Egyptian masses which believed in the sanctity of the Pharaonic system. Underpinned, not by the small group of Israelites, Moses adherents. But by an indigenous faith. Hard work by these masses was a subsidiary religion.
  • The age of the pyramid builders separated between those residents who were outside the faith of Ancient Egypt, and those who were immersed in it. The ruler was a God; the public was his congregation; and his plans to build the pyramids was to concretize the stability of the State. In this grand endeavor, the public, as pyramid builders, during 3 months annually (the Nile flood period), was engaged in a second mission. No outsider was to lift a stone in that nationwide Egyptian declaration of greatness. The sacred had no place for those who looked for  God outside the official faith of the State.
  • That huge sacred endeavors stretched west of the Nile from near Luxor in the south, to Memphis, the great capital near which the 3 great pyramids arose.
  • The overseers were engineers; the advisors were the priests of "The Old Kingdom;" the peasants, now in the employ of the Pharoah, moved tons of stones; the boats moved the granite over flowing Nile waters from south to north; and the peasants, turned laborers, sang as they slid the stones in place. No mortar. But air suction to keep the stones tightly in place.
  • The stepped pyramid of Saqqarah was considered an old model. Now the pyramids have to rise up with one solid face to remind the whole world that the stability, faith, economic prosperity, and mighty armed forces, are the four corners of Ancient Egypt.
  • The gravitas of Egypt, its capital, moved from the south to the north, at where the great Nile split in two branches. Pouring its waters rich with silt, into the Mediterranean. From the first Nubian cataract south of Aswan to where Alexandria stands today.
  • The great engineering genius of the Giza Pyramids was Imhotep, Pharao's priest, his prime minister, and his great architect. Imhotep was a northerner; was later regarded by the Greeks as "the genius of stone engineering." A graduate of the ancient Egyptian schools of science, religion, and politics. Faith was in the Sun (Raa). Not beyond. Heliopolis became, at that dawn of history, the Mecca of ancient Egypt.
  • That was five thousand years ago. Faith and governance were one. The Giza pyramids were to be the burial places of the pharaohs. Their greatness lies in their being the first stone structures in the world: durable; perfect angels; standing aloft at the edge of the desert; peering over the temples and the burial places of personalities lesser than the mighty Pharaohs.
  • Khyops, Khafraa and Mankaraa, were the respective occupants of the Big Pyramid, the Middle Pyramid, and the Small Pyramid.
Case closed. History speaks louder than the Jewish myth of taking part in pyramid building. In that regard, those false claimants are akin to saying that non-Muslims could participate in the washing of the Kaabah.

So is Ben Carson who believes in the apocalypse and the end of time. If he had been to the pyramids only once, he would have seen that the pyramids are no silos for grain storage.

So is the crazy Brotherhood that regards the pyramids as idols which should be destroyed. Why? Diversion from the Muslim faith of the oneness of God, and the exclusion of statues and images as distraction from Muslim worship. Real idiocy!!

Sorry, fellows!! You can go home now. See whether you had something to dream about the leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy). Or the Arch of Triumph of Paris (France). Or the Statue of Liberty in New York. Do yourselves a favor and leave the Giza Pyramids alone. Your claims are as bogus as those who try to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to the fool.

And if you have free time, see the comic Egyptian film starring Muhammad Al-Heneidy, who stars in "Hamam In Amsterdam." See the depth of his spontaneous revulsion at something "an Israeli" starring in the film told him. "The pyramids are ours!!" Prompting Hamam not to shake hands with that offending usurper. Usurper of basic historical facts. Repeating to himself in amazement, "Can you imagine him saying: 'The Pyramids are ours'?!!"

The basic context of the pyramids project of Ancient Egypt is this: It was the first equivalent in human history of the State taking care of the needs of its citizens. Especially at times of agricultural paralysis due to the Nile floods. Citizens were defined by faith. Worshippers of the sun (Raa) were the only recognized faithful. Everyone else, including the Israelites, were mere residents.

At that dawn of history, the State launched the equivalent of the first Social Security scheme in world's history. If you are a citizen, not a mere resident, you were entitled to be covered by that scheme. That is when you could not farm.

So you get on "the food stamp scheme" of that time. Build the pyramids, and get your ration of wheat, maize, and oil to feed your family. On top of that you get the heavenly stamp of indulgence after death. That stamp, in essence, might have read "A Participant In Pyramid Building." No one else got it. If you were a mere resident unacknowledging the pledge of allegiance to Pharaoh.

You see, knowledge is light. And information is power. No amount of hallucination about "the Giza Pyramids" is of any use. Because you are merely whistling in the wind. The wind of the Western Desert which hugs the Pyramids from every angle. With the Sphinx keeping close watch as a royal guardsman. A heritage for all mankind!!

I love Sadat. Yet I have been critical of his allowing Menachem Begin to get away with saying at the Pyramids: "We built these. But we are not going to claim them." Instead of a well-deserved retort, Sadat laughed. For diplomatic reasons.

But one should always keep in mind that diplomacy cannot trump history. History must always trump diplomacy.

1 comment:

  1. So many ignoramuses run the world, and so many more spend millions to join them
