Lies need more than one dictionary. One for the faithful; one for the unfaithful; and one for those in between. The importance of dictionaries lies in their being reflexively believable. One never argues with them. With the Muslim Brotherhood, of which there are several varieties, the falsehood of words is a powerful and less costly recruitment tool.
Let us have a look at key terms. Let us see how the various MB brands understand them; package them for sale; advocate them; highlight them in various languages for various ever-changing needs and audiences.
(1) "Allahu Akbar:" The MBs creed begins by "Allah is our Objective."
Correction: But they treat Allah (God) as if He were patented in their name. If so, which is ridiculous, the patent in intellectual property expires in about 17 years. They, the MBs, forget that we, the 7 billion of humanity, are His.
He is not ours except in the context of our being His. In Islamic jurisprudence, "Allahu Akbar," means that we are all equal before God. Regardless of our faith or even of non-faith. Its use by the MBs, like its ISIS offshoot, as they sever the head of a hostage, or burn alive the Jordanian pilot Moaz Al-Kassassbah, is an outrage.
(2) Authority: In the Quran it is provided that public order is the essence of harmonious development. It is the opposite of fitna (insurrection; chaos; mayhem). Hence the Quran calls on the faithful to: "Obey God and obey the Messenger, and those entrusted with authority over you." (Chapter IV, verse 5-9).
But the MBs would not have any of this. Especially as regards El-Sisi administration which they describe as "a coup" against the so-called Islamist regime of Morsi. This selectivity ignores the fact that Morsi was handed a trust (I voted for him) only to have him engage in the brotherhoodization of Egypt. An exclusive rule by the long beards which produced an Islamic Constitution (now abandoned). That Constitution put women, Copts, Shiis, and liberals outside the pale of the law. The result: Popular recall of that regime through the public square on June 30, 2013. The Islamic Constitution had no recall or impeachment provisions.
(3) "Constitution:" As part of their creed, the MBs declares that "The Quran Is Our Constitution."
Correction: For a Muslim, the Quran is the word of God (in Arabic -Allah). You take it on faith. You don't vote for it; you don't amend it; you don't litigate by the use of its literal provisions (only 200 legal rules within 6400 verses). That is with the exception of personal status matters. If you believe in the Quran, you must also believe in the sanctity of other revealed books. The Old Testament, and the New Testament. That is because faith is primarily a matter of the heart. Non-negotiable.
(4) Cooperation: The Quran provides parameters for international cooperation. In Chapter V, verse 2, it states: "Cooperate with all in what is good and pious, and do not cooperate in what is sinful and aggressive." The MBs active cooperation is with Hamas, Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, and such terror varieties which they regard as "brothers in Islam." However, that brotherhood is underpinned by criminality and acts violating public order. It is the brotherhood of a Mafia. Only the Mafia does not base its acts on religion.
(5) "Copt." For the MBs, the term denotes a trespasser on Muslim lands.
Correction: The Copt is Egypt, in both belonging, history, faith, and law. The MBs expansion on that term is "infidel."
Correction: In Islamic law, "an infidel" denotes someone devoid of values. It is God who judges; other humans have no business judging. This is because the Almighty has created humanity on the basis of equality. Thus there is no "heavenly apartheid." You exist through according to others what you claim for yourself.
(6) "Coup." The MBs have changed the meaning of that term. Before January 25, 2011, it meant an uprising against Mubarak. So they sat out the Tahrir uprising from January 25, 2011 until "the Camel Battle" of January 28. Seeing the Mubarak regime wobble, and Field Marshal Tantawi instructing the armed forces to protect, not to shoot, they jumped on the band wagon to own the Revolution which they had invoked God's wrath against it.
Correction: The MBs rule in 2012-2013 was the real coup against the popular will.
(7) "Egypt." For the MBs, it does not exist. Except as a territorial expanse, with provincial characteristics. When it matures, it becomes an "Emirate." Its recognition in their dictionaries can only be found in the geographic world of Islam. Its boundaries are not sovereign.
Correction: Egypt has been a State for 10,000 years -8,500 years before Islam. A State is defined by four criteria: fixed boundary; fixed population; a functioning government; and competence to conduct foreign affairs. Egypt, as a State, has met these conditions for millenia. No, says the MBs; the population is supplantable. Bring the Gazans to Sinai, no big deal!! Have Qatar or Turkey interfere in Egyptian internal affairs -that is normalcy!! Ridiculous!!
(8) "Fatwa." The MBs franchises use it as a double tool of both obfuscation and mind control. They spew fatwas as a torrent in every direction, clothing their pronouncements in the garb of the unalterable sacred. You deviate, you go to hell.
Correction: A fatwa is a legal advice, unenforceable, and issues from highly trained specialists, under the guidance of Al-Azhar. The Mufti, in this regard, is a religious authority who, through the proper understanding of the Quran and the Sunna, fills in the gaps created by changing circumstances. There is an entire area of Fiqh (sources of Islamic Law) which is called "Jurisdiction Based on No-Text -Textless Fiqh. Can you imagine that a mass killer like Osama Bin Laden had issued Fatwas?" The blind leading the blind.
(9) "Ijtihad:" Ijtihad is the application of mind to the text of the Quran or the Hadith (the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad). Desirous of rigidity, the MBs claim that ijtihad is closed.
Correction: Sharia is applicable to every place and every time. The essence here is not that Sharia is international law. The essence is its adaptability to changing circumstances, and its capability of evolution. In fact, there is a dynamic branch of Islamic Law (Sharia) called "The fiqh of Maslahah" (the Law of Public Interest).
(10) "Jihad:" The MBs creed states that "Jihad is Our Way of Life."
Correction: Who is "our." Count me and nearly a billion and a half other Muslims out. We have seen the MBs jihad: butchering; sectarianism; destruction; foreign occupations; fornication jihad through female abductions and recruitment; and black flags of ISIS.
Following the ouster of the Brotherhood in Egypt from power, their resort to terrorism needed a change of slogans. Today's slogans are "No dignity without jihad; No jihad without armament." In Islamic Law, jihad is self-policing and defense against foreign invasion. The term "Holy War" does not exist in Islam. It is a pet term used by Islamophobes whose hate for Islam is fed by the MB gone crazy.
(11) "Martyr:" The MBs creed provides for "martyrdom (death for the sake of Allah) is our cherished hope."
Correction: In Islamic Law, the martyr (or shaheed in Arabic) is one who dies fighting territorial aggression against his homeland. It does not apply to suicide bombers who kill innocent civilians. It does not apply to Al-Qaeda operatives. It does not apply to those who inflicted 9/11. In Islamic Law, the martyrs of 9/11 are not the attackers who perished. They are the 3000 persons who perished as a result of that criminal act. Bin Laden had called those attackers "The Great Nineteen."
(12) "Minaret." The MBs variety regards it as an architectural requirement and an obligatory Islamic monument.
Correction: Where does it say this in the Quran? A Saudi national, residing in Switzerland, took the federal authorities to court on this one. They had required him to conform to zoning laws in regard to its height. He lost; and a plebiscite ensued resulting in the banning of minarets in Switzerland.
And if the MBs varieties are so enamored with monuments, why destroy the monuments in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria?
(13) "Muslim." For the MBs, it is not enough to say and believe that "God is one, and Muhammad is His Messenger." You also need physical characteristics: A long beard, a big raisin-like skin impression on your forehead, and a scull cap over your head.
Correction: A Muslim is defined as someone who submits to the will of God. No mention in the Quran about those other outward manifestations. To the MBs, a female in jeans and without a hijab is a sinner. But where in the Quran is this stated? The Quran says "be modest" in dress. It does not go beyond this. Personal freedom, within the accepted norms of each society, is a hallmark of Islamic jurisprudence.
(14) "Shiis." The MBs regard the Shiis, who are over 10% of the Muslim population, as "apostates."
Correction: The wayward Brothers who in Cairo killed and dragged Shii corpses in the streets, believe that only the Sunnis are Muslims. Who decreed that stupid notion?! The Sunnis and Shiis confess the same faith, follow the same precepts, and face toward Mecca, not Tehran, in prayer.
There is no takfeer (apostasy) in Islamic law. Otherwise, Sunnism shall be taken as replacing Allah. Because He alone is the only judge. He has not retained the MBs as his exclusive brokers. In fact, it is the Sunnis who invented the criminal practice of suicide bombing. The Shiis, as my late Azhari father who was a Sunni scholar taught me, are the Islamic branch which taught the Umma (The Islamic Nation) the veneration of Muhammad, and love for "Aal El-Beit Muhammad's family."
I am at present authoring the first biography of Ali Ibn Abi-Taleb in English as based on Arabic primary sources. Imam Ali was Muhammad's foster child; the First Muslim; and the icon who, among other historic deeds, put Muhammad in his grave. Ali's partisans (Shiis) are entitled to equal treatment as the Sunnis. Read "Hadith" (Muhammad's pronouncements about Ali). Accordingly, you could then gauge how ignorant, indeed catastrophic, is the alienation of the Shiis!! The problem of succession to Muhammad is not a religious issue. It is a political struggle for succession long gone.
(15) "Shura:" In Arabic, it means communal consultations leading to decision-making through consensus (ijmaa). Shura is one of the main pillars of democracy in Fiqh (jurisprudence). The other pillars are: (a) equality before the law (meaning Adl -justice); (b) transparency (denoting Sidq -truthfulness in transactions); and (c) denial of discrimination on any basis (symbolized by the Islamic adage: "There is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab except through the performance of good societal deeds." Expressed in two words "no discrimination" (in Arabic -LA FARQ).
But the MBs made a mockery of "shura." Only to come back through the back door of July 3, 2013 and claim that their odious regime was illegally toppled. Really? In office, Morsi was a front for El-Shatter, his money bags; Al-Azhar's Rector was downgraded and was on the verge of removal; Christianity was deemed so un-Islamic that a fatwa was issued that it was forbidden to say "Merry Christmas!!"
Under the Islamic fascist year in governance, "shura" was the preserve of the "Supreme Guide" and his politburo called "The Office of Guidance." Some guidance, folks!! You have even transgressed against the Quran (which you define as your Constitution) where it says: "And those who respond to their Lord and establish prayer, and who on matters other than those God has decreed, conduct them by mutual consultation..." (Chapter 42, entitled Ash Shura, verse 38). There exists no Islamic democracy, and non-Islamic democracy. It is universal even if practiced differently in different cultures.
(16) "Tawheed:" The onness of God; the ideological pillar of Islam. It eliminated worship of the idols -the multiplicity of gods which prevailed in Arabia, including Mecca and the Kaabah before Islam. The MBs are so mixed up in their heads that their franchises advocate a stupid myth: The Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the now-destroyed great historical city of Nemrod, as Idols.
Now ask these obscurantists: "Have you seen someone pray facing the Sphinx and asking it for the forgiveness of sins?"
A monument is a cultural icon, not a deity. Even the ancient Egyptians knew that. They created a space between the monuments and the temples. The Egyptians, 5000 years ago, separated between the State and its cultural IDs, and worship. In this, they were even ahead of the U.S. Constitution in separating between religion and the State.
Conclusion: I have selected from among 100 terms only some. But a war of ideas has to be buttressed by a more comprehensive and authentic vocabulary. It is high time to correct the false dictionaries produced by the Muslim Brotherhood varieties. This is as important as the use of arms against global jihadism. Thus the call by El-Sisi on Al-Azhar to wage "a religious revolt" is a call for denying the Muslim Brotherhood and their terror varieties the illegal free run which they have so far enjoyed.
In an interview in early March 2015 with Al-Ahram newspaper, the former Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gomaa, offered the best ever characterization of the abuse by Jihadis of Islam, as both a faith and a culture. He told his lady interviewer that ISIS and other jihadis "have conjured up a parallel religion that has nothing to do with Islam."
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