Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Crazy Call For America To Sanction The New Egypt

Hard to believe, but true. A Michael Wahid Hanna writes in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs that Egypt is "an unreliable partner" of the U.S.

His crazy call for sanctioning the New Egypt comes wrapped in Egyptophobia. As a "Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation" and "an adjunct at New York University School of Law," Hanna has plenty of room to hallucinate in that article titled "Time to Rethink Relations."

How? Primarily through "lowering the total of the annual amount (of U.S. military aid) from $1.3 billion to around $500 million." For what reason? "To alter Egypt's negative trajectory" through "expressing U.S. displeasure with the status quo."

But what "status quo" is that Michael Wahid Hanna referring to? The Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel concluded in 1979 and is still observed by the two sides. That is in spite of the howling hurricane of the so-called Arab Spring.

How would tampering by America, who is the guarantor of that peace between Israel and one-third of the Arab world which calls itself Egypt, affect that historic peace? Hanna skirts that crucial issue of cause and effect. He offers no gems of wisdom on that matter. That is not his concern. His concern is to drum up Egyptophobia at whatever cost. Hanna's demons cannot be silenced.

Suppose Washington, D.C. acts on Michael Wahid Hanna's muddled day dreams of sanctioning the New Egypt. Where would those fictitious savings garnered from U.S. military aid go?

Ah!! Our Michael has a plan for where those illegal cuts go. He howls his solution. "The United States should consider diverting future military assistance to more reliable allies" in the area. Like whom, Michael? "Such as Jordan."

And supposed Jordan, a valiant Arab sister State of Egypt, but with a fraction of the size of the Egyptian military, cannot absorb those savings? Then to who else, Mr. Hanna?

"To partners that need help far more urgently than Egypt, such as Iraq." Did you say "Iraq," Mr. Hanna? Where is that? Hasn't Iraq, outside of Kurdistan, spurned a security arrangement with America, in order to accommodate Iran?

OK!! Details trouble Wahid Hanna. So he shifts directions in the same breath. Which directions: "Or to States in the region that are transitioning to democracy more successfully, such as Tunisia."

Oh, my God, Michael!! You make me a bit dizzy by your zigs and zags all over the Arab area. Of course Egypt wishes Tunisia, her sister Arab State, well. But I must admit to my slow thinking. Where is the Tunisian successful transitioning to democracy? Hasn't a prolonged state of emergency been declared in Tunisia by President El-Sibsi (not to be confused with the name of El-Sisi of Egypt)?

Now we reach the root cause of what ails the brain of Michael Wahid Hanna about Egypt of June 30, 2013. The ouster of the diabolic Muslim Brotherhood from power. Not by the army supported by popular demand, as our Hanna, with a defective bull horn, is screaming his head off. But by popular demand supported by the army. The Egyptians, 35 million of them, were the prime movers. The army simply protected them!!

Please Michael. Those, like you and your friend, David Kirkpatrick, another Egyptphobe writing in the New York Times, are not "aficionados" of history. So it behooves you not to try to revise it.

Mr. Hanna: You begin your 7 page article in Foreign Affairs of November/December 2015 by a provocative paragraph. In it, you make a bogus claim stating: "There are no longer any compelling reasons for Washington to sustain especially close ties with Cairo."

Then you compound that mystery by unabashedly saying without any proof: "What was once a powerfully symbolic alliance with clear advantages for both sides has become a nakedly transactional relationship." Sir: Are there any alliances which are not transactional? Name just one, if you can.

In America, we teach in law and political science that alliances are predicated upon mutuality of interest. That alliances are generally based on parity of sovereignty. That alliances need to be perceived, and are in fact of mutual benefit to the two sides. That is unless they are based on duress. In this case, they are colonial contracts between an imperial power and its protectorate.

So where do you draw your learning about alliances, Mr. Hanna? And how do you substantiate your naked claim that the Cairo/Washington, D.C. present relationship "benefits the Egyptians more than the Americans?" Nuts!!

If that is the case, and it is imaginary, or at best a hypothetical case, why does the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, keep on having a stop in Egypt a near permanent feature of his shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East? Even to the point of attending recently in Sharm El-Sheikh, a mammoth Economic Conference organized by President El-Sisi!!

Let us now look for even a scintilla of logic to justify any of your claims, Michael, in that issue of Foreign Affairs.

You, seemingly inexpertly in the art of logical argumentation and presentation, lump disjointedly three different issues. A compounded and an inarticulate compendium of situations affecting the New Egypt with which you contemptuously deal. Here it comes:

"After a popular uprising followed by an authoritarian relapse in Cairo, and with the peace process moribund, and jihadism now a chronic condition, the U.S. - Egyptian relationship has become an anachronism that distorts American policy in the region."

Allow me to help out in disentangling the disparate elements of that overburdened paragraphic sentence.

  • Your charge of authoritarianism is totally unfounded. El-Sisi became president through open and fair elections held in June 2014; his elevation came in accordance with a Constitution adopted in a popular referendum held that year; and the consensual Road Map has now been implemented by a free and open popular elections. 
  • In those elections, the Islamist party of "Al-Noor" suffered defeat, and the secularists, as evidenced by "The Free Egyptians" party of the Coptic entrepreneur Naguib Sawiris, triumphed. So if you happen to be an Egyptian Copt, as your name leads me to suspect, you should be dancing in the aisle.
  • Where do you find "the peace process moribund?" I hope that you know some Latin to realize that "moribund" comes from the Latin "moribundus," meaning "at the point of death." In fact Hamas and its terror-supported organizations such as "The Friends of Beit Al-Maqdis," has kept Egypt in their cross-hairs. Their declared reason: Cooperation with Israel through blocking the terrorists attempts to transfer the conflict with Israel from Gaza to Sinai. A well-known ISIS tactic.
  • As for jihadism being "now a chronic condition," you are right, Mr. Hanna. But only on the surface. Making jihadism a chronic condition attaching only to Egypt is an insult to the innocent victims of jihadism in Paris, Brussels, California, Turkey, Mali, Russia, Syria and Iraq.
  • And how is that situation causing "the U.S. - Egyptian relationship" become a factor that "distorts American policy in the region?" Your claim has an appropriate term in American contract law. It goes by the name of "nudum factum." Meaning bereft of facts justifying your claim. To elaborate: A bare contract or agreement that amounts to merely a naked promise. Sorry, Michael, your argument has no leg to stand upon.
Of course, Mr. Hanna, there is a distinct possibility that you, with your senior position at "The Century Foundation," are not keen on the facts of this Century. Otherwise  how are the following known facts "distorting American policy in the region?" The reverse is the only reality:
  • Allowing American military aircraft to fly over Egyptian airspace;
  • Egyptian provision to U.S. naval ships of fast track access to the Two Suez Canals;
  • Provision by Cairo of diplomatic support for American regional policies, with regard to the Gulf region;
  • Egyptian American resumed joint military exercises;
  • Provision of eight F-16 U.S. aircraft to the Egyptian air force;
  • Continued training of Egyptian elements of the armed forces in the U.S.;
  • Military Egyptian involvement with Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and the U.S. in the present conflict in Yemen;
  • The U.S. opening to Egypt of the alliance with other Arab States in combating ISIS; 
  • The recognition, in fact the praise, of Egypt's massive contribution to the fight against ISIS on two priority fronts, Sinai and the Libyan border;
  • The expected stationing of the two Egyptian aircraft carriers recently purchased by Egyptian funds from France at the Libyan border and opposite the troubled Gaza coastline near the northern terminus to the Suez Canals.
The list can go on and on. Including the involvement by Egypt of U.S. energy companies in the exploration of the newly discovered natural gas reserves in the Western Desert and the Delta.

Mr. Hanna: Please get it in your head that what we have today is a new Middle East where America, through the Obama doctrine on Middle East conflicts, wants the Arabs to take care of their defense needs.

You must be comatose when you allege in your article that "Egypt has an interest in pursuing counter terrorism for its own reasons." Anti-jihadism has eliminated your outdated fiction of each State should combat jihadism only for "its own reasons." Jihadism knows no boundaries. So should anti-jihadism.

And if anti-jihadism requires "a religious counter-attack," where would you find the rich ideological resources for that lethal weapon in places which are better than Al-Azhar of more than a thousand years?

Could you also please help me understand this foolish assertion of yours: "In short, the regional landscape has been transformed, and Egypt has been left behind. Egypt is no longer an influential regional player. Instead, it is a problem to be managed." Is it because Egypt is turning from chaos to the strong State? A problem to be managed?! I haven't heard that term since the publication of my book in 1971 on "decolonization."

How laughable!! The only problem to hopefully be managed is your Egyptophobia. Compounded by your approbation of the reign of Islamic hegemony in Egypt for one year (2012-2013) by the Muslim Brotherhood.

You seem to regard Egyptian sovereignty as either for sale, or as a legitimate target for unilateral U.S. sanctions.  Whatever you believe, you, Michael Wahid Hanna, are on the wrong side of history.

And were you to find a magic cure for your myopia, you would see that a focus on internal affairs following upheavals, is not equivalent to becoming a marginal player either regionally or globally. Both America, following its five losing wars, and Egypt, following four years of upheavals preceded by 32 years of stagnation, are doing the same. Each of them are rebuilding their infrastructure, creating jobs, improving their educational systems. All acts of fusion of internal energy. Because national salvation begins from within.

So keep on whistling in the wind, Michael!! You wouldn't even get the benefit of an echo chamber!!

Reason: From your writings and your responses to Egyptophobes in The New York Times, you have stayed the course of the equivalent of "Uncle Tom" in regard to the New Egypt. Under the guise of freedom of expression, you seem to have made of your anti-Egyptian phobias a lucrative industry. Your neo-colonialism revival is sure to fail.

Michael Wahid Hanna: You have a bullhorn and an audience. Instruments which you are using in support of your merchantilist approach to the New Egypt. But please note an undisputed fact regarding your success in spreading mythology about Egypt -a rising strong State. You are operating in a Post-Fact America.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

In North America, Two Outlooks on Muslims: Canada is Kinder , America is Weary!!

His appearance at the airport in Toronto in December carried an entire message. Young photogenic Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hugging the Syrian refugees. Putting warm jackets on their backs. Declaring to them and to the whole world: "Welcome to Canada. You are at home now!!" They, have reached a safe harbor.

Contrast this to the bluster of America's Trump. He, a fool, does not speak for America. But he is the poster idiot of a mean America. And no one in the Republican establishment dealt harshly with his profane calls for: A database for American citizens who happen to be Muslims; a non-return to America of those citizens; a total ban on the entry of other Muslims to America, even for study or family reunification.

Trump (or Chump) glories in anti-Islamism. And in anti-Latinos. And in anti-women. And in anti-peace. His mantra, which is a call for an American Sparta, is "Make America Great Again." 

A demented buffoon who is exposing America to the wrath of 1.6 Billion Muslims. Daring to fight the world from fictitious citadels called "The Trump Towers." Punching the air with his fists, saying: "I am rich" -a stupid qualification for ruling a super-power.

Now to Canada. That is where you find its Prime Minister on hand at the Toronto airport welcoming Syrian refugees. But that was one aspect of Canada's kinder outlook on Muslims and non-Muslims. Fleeing their countries westward in search for safety.

That phenomenon was best described by Obama. Standing on December 15 in Washington, D.C. delivering an address at a citizenship ceremony, he graphically summed up the migrants dilemma. He likened Syrians fleeing the civil war in their native country to the Jews who fled the Nazis.

But in America these words do not compare to actions and public campaigns in Canada. A gulf of differences between two outlooks.

For in Canada:
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau keeps on repeating: "Extending the sins of the Islamic State group to all Muslims is irresponsible,"
  • He also adds: "There shouldn't be a contradiction between what it takes to keep us safe and what it takes to keep us Canadian.;"
  • At the provincial level, political leaders, like Andrea Horwath calls on the Ontario government to face up to racial issues. This is to be accomplished through action on legislation providing for setting up a secretariat to conduct public education and research on racism.
  • The hallmark of schools in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is extra help provided by teachers to immigrant children. These are traumatized kids of very diverse backgrounds;
  • During the Christmas season, front page newspaper articles project the beginning of the healing process for new immigrant arrivals. Photos are splashed for toddlers lighting prayer candles at the St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church;
  • A chorus of hundreds of children of different faiths singing the greeting extended to the Prophet Muhammad by the residents of Medina upon his arrival, fleeing persecution in Mecca 1437 years ago;
  • The Canadian Government, through its Minister of Immigration, keeps on increasing the figures of migrants from Islamic lands fleeing into the welcoming arms of non-Muslim western countries.
  • By contrast, Saudi Arabia which prides itself on being the Custodian of the holiest of Islamic shrines in Mecca and Medina, had an obtuse response to this humanitarian calamity. Its foreign minister's response was: "Many Saudis are married to Syrian women." Four million Syrians have fled their war-ravaged country since its slide into civil war in 2011.
  • During the Canadian elections of October 2015, the majority of Canadian voters showed their disgust for what the Toronto Star of December 15, 2015 described in graphic terms. It attributed the defeat of the conservative government of Stephen Harper to Canada's "own version of ugly Muslim-baiting by politicians desperate for votes."
  • One of the top columnists of the same newspaper had his column in the same issue headlined: "Would Trump flourish here? Unlikely." The columnist Irvin Studin explained why. Here is what he opined:
  • "The recent call by US presidential candidate Donald Trump for the wholesale exclusion of Muslims from entry into the United States can only give thinking Canadians some degree of comfort that our founders created Canada, in constitutional terms, as the negation of the American project."
Of course, in America, the Trump voice is rather negated by liberal editorial writings in The New York Times. In its issue of December 5, 2015, one such editorial was titled: "Fear Ignorance, Not Muslims." Following the San Bernardino massacre, the editorial commented as follows:

"Wherever the investigation leads, Americans must guard against overreacting, and subdue the panicked reflex of distrust and hatred towards the Americans among us who are Muslims. This has been a problem at least since 9/11 and will remain one as long as ignorance about Islam remains deep and widespread."

Wise words. But American public opinion continues to give the lunacy of Trump thumbs up. No less than 65% of Americans recently polled supported Trump's advocacy for a ban on Muslims. This is not only unconstitutional under several US constitutional provisions. It is also a clear violation of international law principles dealing with "freedom of movement" as a human right.

But here we must keep in mind the individual instances in Canada of a bias against some Muslims. Reference here is made to putting a woman teacher on leave for wearing the hijab.

That teacher undoubtedly believes that hijab is decreed by the Quran for Muslim females. She is wrong, as such an injunction cannot be textually proven by the Quran to be an obligation. The most charitable description of the hijab phenomenon is to say that only after the Khomeini Islamic revolution in 1979 was that fad elevated to a fareedha (obligation).

This issue is ironically further compounded by brutal enforcement in Wahhabi lands by a religious police called, for obfuscation: "The Volunteers" (Al-Mottaween). Storm troops with canes ready to strike without legal sanction.

These are lands which are divorced from the spirit of Islam as a faith continually evolving to accommodate changing circumstances. Particularly in regard to integration with legislated laws and customary practices in countries to which Muslims emigrate. This is the essence of what the Quran states 21 times as HEKMAH (the reasoning based on common sense).

We all recall how The Muslim Brotherhood, during its fascist one year rule in Egypt (2012-2013) terrorized the Copts. A lesson which the New Egypt, under El-Sisi, is not likely to forget anytime soon. It was a violation of the DNA of historic Egypt of 7000 years as a State.

Thus in regard to anti-Islamism, the issue is multi-faceted. Both Muslims as well as non-Muslims still have a way to go before mutual accommodation.

But the efforts at such accommodation seem to be more manageable, more promising, in Canada than in the U.S.A.

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All!

Friday, December 4, 2015

In the Voice of the Baby of the San Bernardino Killers

Mom and Dad
Wherever You Both Are Now 
Maybe In a Bad Place
After You Killed the Innocent


You Left Me With Grandma 
Who Awaited Your Joyous Return
To Pick Me Up, Change Me
And Feed Me


But You Never Did
Only Your Images
On the Somber TV
When You Moved Among the Living


Why Did You Do It?
All That San Bernardino Killing
Of Moms and Dads
Whose Families Are In Mourning


Your Names Are Deceptive
For Rizwan Means God's Blessing
And Malik Is One Name
For God Almighty


Neither Malik Nor Rizwan
Shall Be On Your Side
Especially That Farook
Means Separating Right From Wrong


These Are Muslim Names
Intended To Glorify
The Oneness of God
Whom You Have Grossly Deceived


I See All Those Faces
Whose Bodies are Lifeless
Cause You Acted As Life-Enders
While We Worship Life-Givers


Life-Givers Like Robert, Bennetta
Aurora, Sierra, and Shannon
And Daniel, Damian, and Tin
And Nicholas, Yvette and Michel


They Trusted You, Your Co-Workers
As Did America, the Giver,
Treated You As All Others
Your Faith Was No Problem


Where is Pakistan
And Where Is Saudi Arabia
I Only Know The USA
As My Birthplace, My Birthright


My Home Where When I Grow
I Can Be Equal To Men
I Can Learn and Endear
All Others Under Our Flag


Now With Your Victims Gone
To A Place Better Than Yours
I Am Here Left Behind
Baring The Shame of Being Yours


Of What Can I Be Proud
With Whom Shall I Play
Your Pictures Are Not Glorified
Your Faith is Tainted


Those Flowers, Those Candles
Those Moans Of The Injured
Those Vigils Are But Cursing You
And Blurring My Future


I Did Nothing Except Being Born
To Parents With a Pact
A Pact With Those Far Away
From The Sacred Bond of Mercy


Your ISIS, Your Bullets
Your Guns, Your Grenades
Have Taken Over My Space
Space of Toys, Love and Light


How Dark It Is To Peer
Into A Future I Don't Know
Filled Of Fog and Doubt
About Whatever Follows Thereafter


On Your Epitaph, 
What Shall I Place
Your Inscription On A Tomb
Would It Be Like A Curse
Of All Jihadis Like You


And What Should I Be Called
The Unloved Issue Of Killers 
Who Turned Their Blooded Backs
On Those Who Gave Them Life

Friday, November 20, 2015

In Paris, The Bells of Notre Dame Cathedral Have Tolled - Their Ring Has Ushered In a Just War

November 13 should signal the start of a revolution. A new type with a global perspective. Against global terrorism which, as it sputters, murders the innocent in its wake.

Liberty, equality, Fraternity!! All of these should be reborn. Out of the martyrdom of more than 120 human beings. They died in Paris. But shall be reborn in our world action that strikes without mercy, without a holiday.

To call this despicable tragedy "jihadism" is to elevate the humanly abnormal to the level of normalcy. If terrorism knows no boundary, so should be the global pre-emptive response. No boundary; no mercy; no shedding of crocodile tears by the so-called "human rights" organizations, reminding us of due process.

France has, in the immediate aftermath, closed its borders. Like in Sinai, there cannot be freedom of movement to allow the assassins the freedom of butchery. (How laughable to hear Hamas leaders calling the Rafah Crossing the Gaza lungs. Resuscitating the Gaza lungs is in the hands of Hamas, not in the hands of Egypt).

From France, the land of "The Social Contract" should emerge a new version of "Le contract social:"

  • A new global World War Council to coordinate the global moves against all and every terror outfit;
  • A new system of intelligence sharing to help that "World Defense Council" to strike pre-emptively. Not to await reactively;
  • A global "Situation Room" that oversees the 24/7 pounding of the nests of evil. Regardless of what they call themselves;
  • A massive world information system to inform the world citizenry of the progress of that "War Without Borders;"
  • To the maximum extent possible, a protective shield against "collateral damage," whereby the innocent perishes as the wicked is attacked;
  • A constant interpretation of the terrorist chatter across the globe to be fed to those who, in the War on Terror, are flying planes, staffing war ships, parachuting on the dens of evil, or rescuing hostages;
  • Screening by modern technology the attendance at mass events whether sportive or artistic;
  • Replacing the international and civil codes of civil and political rights, such as those of the 1960s of the moribund UN; and
  • Assisting those who are fighting for securing a viable life of independence in geographic areas which they can call "a homeland," such as in the Middle East.
From the Russian plane crashing in Sinai, to the murdering of innocent civilians by hooded criminals in El-Arish (Egypt), to the bombing of Syrian civilians by a murderous Assad regime, to the attacks in Kenya, and Somalia against hotels, to the stoning of women for alleged adultery, to the kidnappings by Boko Haram, to the assistance extended to the Muslim Brotherhood, to the claims that the New Egypt is smothering dissent...!!

All of the above are various symptoms of the new Ebola of global terror. That world terror:
  • Has no faith;
  • Knows no mercy;
  • Has no plans for an orderly society;
  • Bears no resemblance to the ordinary human being;
  • Respects no charter, no reconciliation, no orderly progression to integration within global society;
  • Uses open borders and freedom of movement as means for reaching nameless and non-suspecting victims;
  • Hides behind veils of secrecy and shields of trumped up interpretations of faith to satisfy its appetite for human chaos.
It needs war stratagems, globally coordinated, with each nation doing its part. Especially the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

For after November 13, 2015, our world has become one. A unity for survival. No more need for empty denunciations a la Ban Ky Moon. The U.N. Sermonizing General," instead of "The U.N. Secretary-General." Who from the 38th floor of his glass house on the East River in New York City, does not see his real world beyond Long Island across that River.

Time for action for whatever time it takes on all fronts, and by all means.

For those who gloated over their social media that "Paris is burning," should be made to count their days. That cry of satisfaction at mass slaughter should now be heard through a globalized war command and control.

Evil is the same. Even when it uses "God" as a part of its odious name!! ISIS (The Insane Satan In Iraq and Syria) pompously declares "responsibility" for killing in cold blood. Killing 129, and injuring multiples of that number in Paris. "Responsibility?"

This is a word denoting high morality. "Responsibility" refers to values which Al-Baghdadi, the thug from Anbar, has never known.

President Hollande of France got it right. "An Act of War," he described the dastardly attacks of November 13, in the City of Light - Paris. So did Hillary Clinton, who is expected to be the first female President of the U.S. as of January 2017. She said: "ISIS should not only be contained. It should be defeated."

The martyrs (Shaheeds) of Paris are not the eight stealth killers who perished to hell wrapped in their explosive belts. The martyrs (Shaheeds) are those who perished as they watched a soccer game, a concert, or sat peacefully for a pleasant dinner. This is what Islamic Law calls them!! Shaeeds.

Yes, Al-Baghdadi. It was a Friday. The Muslim day of prayers, reflection, and constructive interaction with all other human beings. Thus calling you a "Muslim" is like calling a poisonous snake a "bird of paradise." May you and your gangs perish in hell. Wrapped in your black turbans and your other garments whose blackness points directly to the true color of your heart.

Paris shall always be full of light. Al-Raqqa, in Syria, now under daily bombardment by the French air force, shall, in time, become the mass grave for the worst perpetrators of criminality against Islam.

The global menace of ISIS has an ideological sideon which it feeds. ISIS is enabled, though unwittingly, by Islamophobes. You can find them especially among those who speak or write about that faith without ever having studied it. Or even understood it.

A prime example of such ISIS-enablers can be found in a book recently published by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. A Somali young woman with terrible tribal experiences. Genital mutilation and a forced arranged marriage. Issues whose only link to Islam is that they were visited upon Hirsi Ali in a country which, though Islamic, yet socially dysfunctional. The capital country of the murderous Al-Shabab.

Ayaan's ignorance of Islam, a faith which she has renounced, became to her a substantial source of undeserved fame, and an ill-gotten fortune. In both Europe, particularly in the Netherlands where she was made a parliamentarian, and now in the U.S., a guest so-called scholar at Harvard and in Washington, D.C.

Ayaan, out of deep ignorance, has previously in an article, called for "the rewriting of the Quran." As if the Quran is another terrorism manifesto, not, as per Islamic dogma, the word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Her recent book is entitled: "Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now." Published by Harper, she boldly declares in the introduction: "To make many people - not only Muslims but also Western apologists for Islam - uncomfortable."

Her conclusion is that "Islam is not a religion of peace." With such a conclusion, repeated also in her three previous books, ISIS draws the oxygen of its barbarity under the pretext that Islam was under attack. Under attack, not only by you, Ayaan. But by the West whose circles are providing you with encouragement. An encouragement to propagate hate and contempt for the faith of 1.5 billion Muslims. So when "Paris" happens, you and your entourage of hate-mongers find justification for the lies which gush constantly from the deep well of your ignorance.

In essence, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, you and ISIS feed on one another. You need ISIS criminality to sell your books of Islamophobia. And Al-Baghdadi, the thug from Anbar, needs you as an un-witting enabler/recruit to bolster his nihilistic ideology.

It was your tribe, Ayaan, that attacked you. Islam did not. When you opted out of Islam, that faith looked the other way. Under its humane principle of "In matters of faith, there is no compulsion." 

Perceiving yourself as a scholar, especially in matters of Islam, has been devastatingly rebutted by Max Rodenbeck, the Middle East Bureau Chief of the Economist. In his review of your book "Heretic"  in The New York Review of Books dated December 3, 2015, he posed a central question on the cover of this forthcoming issue: "Can Ayaan Hirsi Ali Change Islam?" 

His resounding response was a big "No!!" Here is a quote from his review, covering from page 35 to page 37:
"But there are several problems with her approach. These include such troubling aspects as her use of unsound terminology, a surprisingly shaky grasp of how Muslims actually practice their faith, and a questionable understanding of the history and political background not only of Islam, but of the world at large."
So Ayaan, go find a respectable way to make your living. Your barrage of rantings against Islam have the effects of a big horned ram repeatedly attacking a mountain. That mountain shall not move. But the ram shall soon lose its attacking horns!!

One of the tragic aspects of the Paris massacres is that similar outrageous calamities in southern Beirut do not get the same world attention. Call it "citizen's fatigue," or "differentiated treatment." It is both. When we have a quarter million Syrians killed over 4 years of civil war, overall numbness takes over. Paris, by comparison, is expected to be safe. Safe enough for one million migrants aspiring to head toward it.

In this regard, the ISIS Satan has proved capable, at least for now, to force us to think differently about the same human tragedies. A global focus on Paris, as it should be. Less attention to southern Beirut, as it should not be. Beirut is thus entitled to feel, by comparison, forgotten.

Summing up the moral depravity of the eight suicide bombers who attacked Paris, I would say to their ISIS masters:

  • Your ideology is nihilistic - the burning wish to die;
  • Your desire to kill and your desire to die are the clearest indication of your futile search for clarity;
  • Your search for violence as an end in itself is foredoomed as dead-end;
  • Your program, if one may charitably call it that, is based on a faulty premise: divide our world between Muslims and non-Muslims; between Muslim Sunnis and Muslim Shiis, and between Muslim Sunnis who submit to your enslavement and Muslim Sunnis who are yearning to leave your hell hole;
  • Your riding the migration wave which you have caused is sure to close that escape hatch. But will surely serve the ranks of those who want you dead;
  • Your genocidal ideology shall boomerang and justifiably turn it into a sword for your eventual annihilation.
Your targeting the Bataclan arena, where a soccer match between France and Germany, and which was attended by President Hollande, had a response of defiance: a piano with its player, moving his fingers deftly and sounding music about peace.

That song is by John Lennon of the Beatles. It begins by "Imagine All the People!!" An apt response of resilience in the face of barbarity. Within an unshakable refrain: Vive La France!!

The Arab and Muslim star is composed of eight angles. Angles of light, referring to all kinds of learning. The savage executioners in Paris were eight. Each angle pointing to all kinds of evil for which they, and their so-called Emirs, stand clothed in infamy.

Now here is another clear indicator of the gulf in values between the wicked (the Paris terrorists), and the good (the innocent Parisians). The mastermind of the Paris attacks of Nov. 13, Abaaoud, gloated about how easy it was for him to get from Syria to Paris to plan that massacre. That was before he perished a few days later north of Paris at the hands of the French police.

Scum like Abaaoud shall never know that their ease at inflicting harm on humanity is rooted in a higher value. The openness of borders, the freedom of movement, and the trust in the decency of other humans not to use these universal values for subversion and criminality.

A real gulf in values which can only now be bridged by a globalized effort, led perhaps by boots on the ground, through the creation of an Arab/Muslim NATO to erase the so-called Islamic Caliphate from the face of the earth.

They do not belong with other humans as sharers of this planet. Because they have come from Hell, to which they are surely returning. Their presumed express passports, through imagined martyrdom, to paradise have, especially since 9/11, been stamped "CANCELLED."

Friday, November 13, 2015

Idiotic Claims on the Giza Pyramids By the Most Ignorant of Today's Stupids!!

The claimants cover the three Ibrahamic faiths: Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The democratization of insane ignorance.

Some Jews claim that they built those pyramids. A Christian running for the U.S. presidency, Ben Carson, claims that the pyramids were used by biblical Joseph to store grains. And the Muslim Brotherhood saw in the Giza pyramids idolic symbols that should be destroyed.

All idiotic claims by the most ignorant of today's stupids; the crazy revisionists of world history. Under the guise of giving themselves a leg up on the ladder of legitimacy. And the evidence is clear through the following facts. Facts that are stubborn enough to make those claimants the world's laughing stock!!

As students in Egypt, our curriculum included "Ancient Egypt." At both the primary and secondary levels. And all history majors at the university level are required to pass that course before graduation. I was one of them. This is the DNA of Egyptian education. It has a basic pedagogical reason: The modern Egyptian is thought of as an amalgam of ancient Egyptians and Arabs.

That genealogical link is the back bone of never-ceasing Egyptian nationalism. It has served Egypt well. No foreign occupation of Egypt went unpunished. From the days of the Hyksos to the days of the Zionists.

Now to the historical facts about the Giza pyramids. And down with the myth information maintained by some of the Jews; by an Afro-American Christian brain surgeon who should get his own brain operated on; and the un-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood whose leader one day said: "To Hell With Egypt." (Toz Fi Massr)!!

  • The age of the pyramid builders began with "The Old Kingdom." It lasted for 500 years. A united regime with a firm throne, occupied by a great pharaoh worshiped as God or God's representation by a pious population.
  • The entire history of "The Old Kingdom" was characterized by self reliance and self sufficiency. Through those Egyptian masses which believed in the sanctity of the Pharaonic system. Underpinned, not by the small group of Israelites, Moses adherents. But by an indigenous faith. Hard work by these masses was a subsidiary religion.
  • The age of the pyramid builders separated between those residents who were outside the faith of Ancient Egypt, and those who were immersed in it. The ruler was a God; the public was his congregation; and his plans to build the pyramids was to concretize the stability of the State. In this grand endeavor, the public, as pyramid builders, during 3 months annually (the Nile flood period), was engaged in a second mission. No outsider was to lift a stone in that nationwide Egyptian declaration of greatness. The sacred had no place for those who looked for  God outside the official faith of the State.
  • That huge sacred endeavors stretched west of the Nile from near Luxor in the south, to Memphis, the great capital near which the 3 great pyramids arose.
  • The overseers were engineers; the advisors were the priests of "The Old Kingdom;" the peasants, now in the employ of the Pharoah, moved tons of stones; the boats moved the granite over flowing Nile waters from south to north; and the peasants, turned laborers, sang as they slid the stones in place. No mortar. But air suction to keep the stones tightly in place.
  • The stepped pyramid of Saqqarah was considered an old model. Now the pyramids have to rise up with one solid face to remind the whole world that the stability, faith, economic prosperity, and mighty armed forces, are the four corners of Ancient Egypt.
  • The gravitas of Egypt, its capital, moved from the south to the north, at where the great Nile split in two branches. Pouring its waters rich with silt, into the Mediterranean. From the first Nubian cataract south of Aswan to where Alexandria stands today.
  • The great engineering genius of the Giza Pyramids was Imhotep, Pharao's priest, his prime minister, and his great architect. Imhotep was a northerner; was later regarded by the Greeks as "the genius of stone engineering." A graduate of the ancient Egyptian schools of science, religion, and politics. Faith was in the Sun (Raa). Not beyond. Heliopolis became, at that dawn of history, the Mecca of ancient Egypt.
  • That was five thousand years ago. Faith and governance were one. The Giza pyramids were to be the burial places of the pharaohs. Their greatness lies in their being the first stone structures in the world: durable; perfect angels; standing aloft at the edge of the desert; peering over the temples and the burial places of personalities lesser than the mighty Pharaohs.
  • Khyops, Khafraa and Mankaraa, were the respective occupants of the Big Pyramid, the Middle Pyramid, and the Small Pyramid.
Case closed. History speaks louder than the Jewish myth of taking part in pyramid building. In that regard, those false claimants are akin to saying that non-Muslims could participate in the washing of the Kaabah.

So is Ben Carson who believes in the apocalypse and the end of time. If he had been to the pyramids only once, he would have seen that the pyramids are no silos for grain storage.

So is the crazy Brotherhood that regards the pyramids as idols which should be destroyed. Why? Diversion from the Muslim faith of the oneness of God, and the exclusion of statues and images as distraction from Muslim worship. Real idiocy!!

Sorry, fellows!! You can go home now. See whether you had something to dream about the leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy). Or the Arch of Triumph of Paris (France). Or the Statue of Liberty in New York. Do yourselves a favor and leave the Giza Pyramids alone. Your claims are as bogus as those who try to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to the fool.

And if you have free time, see the comic Egyptian film starring Muhammad Al-Heneidy, who stars in "Hamam In Amsterdam." See the depth of his spontaneous revulsion at something "an Israeli" starring in the film told him. "The pyramids are ours!!" Prompting Hamam not to shake hands with that offending usurper. Usurper of basic historical facts. Repeating to himself in amazement, "Can you imagine him saying: 'The Pyramids are ours'?!!"

The basic context of the pyramids project of Ancient Egypt is this: It was the first equivalent in human history of the State taking care of the needs of its citizens. Especially at times of agricultural paralysis due to the Nile floods. Citizens were defined by faith. Worshippers of the sun (Raa) were the only recognized faithful. Everyone else, including the Israelites, were mere residents.

At that dawn of history, the State launched the equivalent of the first Social Security scheme in world's history. If you are a citizen, not a mere resident, you were entitled to be covered by that scheme. That is when you could not farm.

So you get on "the food stamp scheme" of that time. Build the pyramids, and get your ration of wheat, maize, and oil to feed your family. On top of that you get the heavenly stamp of indulgence after death. That stamp, in essence, might have read "A Participant In Pyramid Building." No one else got it. If you were a mere resident unacknowledging the pledge of allegiance to Pharaoh.

You see, knowledge is light. And information is power. No amount of hallucination about "the Giza Pyramids" is of any use. Because you are merely whistling in the wind. The wind of the Western Desert which hugs the Pyramids from every angle. With the Sphinx keeping close watch as a royal guardsman. A heritage for all mankind!!

I love Sadat. Yet I have been critical of his allowing Menachem Begin to get away with saying at the Pyramids: "We built these. But we are not going to claim them." Instead of a well-deserved retort, Sadat laughed. For diplomatic reasons.

But one should always keep in mind that diplomacy cannot trump history. History must always trump diplomacy.

Friday, November 6, 2015

ISIS Kicking Sand In the Eyes of the Truth - Losers!!

Even in catastrophic tragedies, ISIS hurries to reap the wind of evil. The Russian airbus plummets from 31,000 feet down to the Sinai mountainous floor. More than 200 hundred Russian and Ukrainian tourists and crew head to a fiery death. Instead of heading home with lungs refreshed from the iconic resort of Sharm El-Sheik. The alternative capital of Egypt during Mubarak days.

So the world grieves for the human loss. Egyptian groups gather before the Russian Embassy in Cairo with flowers, candles and songs of condolences. Putin declares a national day of mourning. Egyptian-led teams of investigators descend upon the floor of tragedy seeking the inner secrets of the black box to reveal the actual cause of the tragedy. A hundred Egyptian ambulances carry the body bags to awaiting Russian planes to fly the victims home.

Everyone on the face of the earth bow their heads in a prayerful gesture of accepting the fate of that airbus and its occupants.

Except for ISIS!! Evil celebrates evil. In a transparent attempt to grab the headlines for publicity of a false victory. Even before the investigations by Egyptian, Russian, French and American reveal the real cause of that enormous human tragedy. ISIS celebrates: "We did it. Victory for our Sinai campaign." Yet no such celebration and "high five" are in order. The fact belies the ISIS premature claims of victory of evil over good. For at 31,000 feet high up over the Sinai sky, no ground to air missile is known to climb more than 20,000 feet. An airbus in flight at that altitude is not akin to a low flying helicopter, easily reached by a powerful and well aimed Kalashnikov.

These are facts. Not a barrage of lies spread by ISIS and its affiliates in the Sinai/Hamas regions. That is where the combined strength of the mighty Egyptian Second and Third Armies, concentrated by El-Sisi in the hands of one brilliant and battle-tested commander, is pummeling that evil. Gradually out of viable existence whatever time it takes.

Thus to ISIS and its so-called Caliphate at Raqqa, Syria, the Holy Quran, in Chapter VIII, seems to address itself to the anti-Islamic "Islamic State." Verse 37 is on point: "So that God may distinguish the corrupt from the Good, and pile the corrupt one upon another. And so heap them up together, and throw them into Hell. Those are the losers."

The losers keep on kicking sand in the eyes of the truth. The truth is that ISIS moves where there is no opposing movement on the ground. Moves into empty spaces; into where loyalties are split by the fiction of a Sunni Islam and a Shii Islam; into the void of authority; into the void of jobs taken away from half a million mighty Iraqi army, officered mainly by Sunnis during the reign of Saddam terror. That was a void created by an American lunatic called Bremmer at the outset of the great American war debacle of the Bush/Cheney war on Iraq.

We are still in an age of several voids exploited by the phantom Caliphate of an Anbar thug called Al-Baghdadi. Let us have a recitation of these voids on the US side, enabling ISIS to temporarily prosper on the oxygen of these voids which have to be likened to the underground tunnels. Previously dug by Hamsawis in an attempted underground invasion by the renegade Gaza enclave of mighty Egypt.

  • No US coherent policy in regard to US war effort against ISIS;
  • The US Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, is wedded to three R's:
Raqqa/Ramadi/Raids. But from the air. An air campaign cannot secure timely victory for on the ground campaign.

  • Only 50 US special forces for Syria, and 3500 for Iraq. To do what?: "Advise and Assist!!" What does this mean in regard to ISIS in Syria? It means that the US has no reliable partner on the ground in Syria. But in Iraq, there is the Pesh Merga of Kurdistan, seeking through their collaboration to secure from within Iraq, the State of Kurdistan.
  • But would Sunni Arabs of Syria acquiesce to a Kurdish occupation of Raqqa, following the expected defeat of ISIS? Of course no.
  • So here we go again: A complicated battlefield. Lines keep on shifting; loyalties are measured only by the day. Your friend of today is your enemy of tomorrow. Thus the concept of "command and control" goes to hell.
  • Add to this, the general policy, in fact doctrine of Obama of "no more US involvement in Middle East wars." This is the prevailing doctrine at the very time when ISIS needs a strong response.
  • On top of that, add the absence of a legal framework for any robust US involvement. There is no declaration of war by Congress. Because? Against whom? Against the foes of selected bands. But how do you know that that selection endures? Especially when the US has no informants on the ground!!
  • Have I just said "the absence of a legal framework for any robust US involvement?" Yes. But attorneys like myself have to be both credible and circumspect. So, OK!! There is one legal framework. It is a Congressional authorization that dates back to the tragedy of 9/11!! Thus it is no good for the age of ISIS. Obsolete. And in law, whatever is obsolete cannot be cited as credible.
  • Also bear in mind that "an authorization" cannot be legally equated with "a declaration." You usually authorize another branch of Government, after its action has begun. And you "declare," no ipso facto. You legislate. And your legislation is upon request of either the legislature (Congress) or the Executive (the President in the Oval Office). And you fund what you legislate.
  • And your legislation, when unfounded, becomes a dead letter. Unless stopped by a Presidential veto or an executive order. Provided that executive action can survive a Congressional over-ride of a super majority. Complicated? Yes. The story of the American system, especially when it comes to war. This is what we do as legal counsel in US constitutional issues: The process of unscrambling, which drives our students sometimes to mental exhaustion!!
  • The pile-up of uncertainties is not yet complete when it comes to the US vs. ISIS. Because?
  • There is a lack of attainable goals. The best result is to prevent the occurrence of the worst scenario.
  • There are no clear limits of authority between Congress (where the Republicans have a majority in both houses), and the President who is passionately hated by the Republicans -the war party.
  • Why not "a no fly zone?!" You must be kidding. No fly zone (NFZ) could protect those on the ground whose loyalties you don't know. NFZ needs to be defended. NFZ infringes sovereignty. Sovereignty which is still claimed by present-day super-killer Bashar. Who is supported by Russian military might, Iranian Al-Quds Revolutionary Guards, and Hezbollah, the only discernible ruler of Lebanon. So instead of Syria occupying Lebanon, we now have Lebanon occupying Syria!!
I still have more bad news, about the efficacy of America's war in Syria: the terms that have wavering meaning, or no consensual meaning whatever. Here are some: "The broader war;" "Boots on the Ground;" "War improvisation;" "Guiding Local Fighters;" "Covert Training and Equipping by the CIA;" "Ideological Spectrum;" and "Downward Slope."

I hope that the reader has not concluded from the above that ISIS shall eventually prevail!! They don't have the long breath, the enduring bond between themselves and their subjects, the mammoth weight of Islam as a faith, and their reliance on incidents of panic-creation not on the Rule of Law -any law. They are the proverbial losers!!

Back to the Quran: "Say, 'The pure and impure are not equal, though the abundance of the impure may allure you much.' So be God fearing, O people who possess minds, that you may be successful."

Thus with the US and Russia or without, ISIS and Al-Nusra and their nominal franchises wherever they may be, shall be proven to be the proverbial losers. For they are like bats, flying at night -the night of present-day Islam. 

Soon there shall be dawn!! Yes, ISIS for now can kick sand in the eyes of the truth. But truth is more durable than sand. Sand that falls apart with a good dose of cleansing water.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Interfaith Transitioning From Dialogue To Action

Today is not like yesterday. And tomorrow shall be different. Time is galloping forward bypassing most of us. For God owns time, enjoining us to own ourselves. The Quran says: “Surely God does not change the condition of a people unless they change what is in themselves.” (Chapter 13, verse 11). The best popular song I heard in Cairo 10 days ago was titled: “I Am the Ruler of a Republic Called Nafsi (Myself).”

Herein lies the essence of sovereignty. The sovereignty of the individual under the mercy of the Creator. The essence of the need to change, to improve, to abandon the ways of yesterday for the sake of today. To realize that faith is one; faith is non-negotiable; faith is not a fad; faith is an inner quality seeking to burst out to commune and to communicate. With whom?

With others with faith, without trying to change their faith. Your faith becomes stronger when it reaches out to others through their faiths. That is when you recognize that your God-given sovereignty is separable but interdependent on allowing the other to pursue peacefully their path to their own faith.

That is interfaith, which needs to transition from dialogue to action. Here I am expressing an abandonment of the method of “conference” of mere words. In favor of an espousal of “interfaith in action.” Action at the level of the individual, the repository of God’s grace, God’s implanted sovereignty, the invisible power to move us to the celestial sphere of goodness and compassion. Each chapter of the Quran, and each action by a Muslim begins with “In the Name of God, The Merciful, the Compassionate.”

The holocaust did not occur by itself. ISIS did not start by itself. The wars, both just and unjust, do not start by themselves. The butchering by ISIS of others of every faith does not occur in a vacuum. Millions, now running away from the lands of Islam to the welcoming arms of western communities, do not simply get up and flee. In all of these situations, the hand of darkness is casting the shadow of annihilation over them.

Now interfaith has a decided role. A role of action. Thus faith must first begin by evolving into conceptional directions.

Through new concepts, through ijtihad - the application of the mind to the non-changing text. Creating new institutions, new media, new leadership, new civility. Civility which, for example, would frown on insulting a sitting president of the US, by calling him “a closet Muslim.” As if Islam and Ebola are one and the same.
The sins of the bad few should not be transferred to millions upon millions whose hands are free from shedding the blood of others.

And if we are serious about putting interfaith in action, let us forget about the need for an intergovernmental organization, like the UN to do it for us. Why? Because the Charter of the UN, which was celebrated on October 24, adores only national sovereignty. It celebrates the sovereignty of the State, leaving the sovereignty of the individual behind. It makes of the veto a tool for obstruction, not a medium for good change.

Just think about it!!  Non-governmental organizations, like Catholic Charities, or Doctors Without Borders, or the thousands of Jewish and Islamic charitable organizations, are more effective than the UN. They, through putting interfaith into action, are eclipsing the UN Economic and Social Council and the World Health Organization combined. Non-Governmental Organizations are what the UN Charter, in its preamble, calls “We the People.”

Today, the weakest human organization is government. In fact, America’s neoconservatives today call for the destruction of federal government. Let us face it: Today’s effective actor is the individual. Functioning through the great marble halls of interfaith festooned by the chandeliers of collective action.

As we seek that interfaith action, we need new vehicles. New vehicles are motored by a new vocabulary to express them, to carry them out. We need to know, for example, that in Islam “Allahu Akbar” is not a battle cry. Terrorism must be forced to disgorge that manipulation of religious vocabulary. Its real meaning is: “We are all equal before God.”

And “Tawheed” (meaning the Oneness of God) is the glue that binds our God-given sovereignties to one another. Elohim and Allah are holy names of the same Creator.

And for vehicles, we need to launch or refurbish or support institutions which systematically put interfaith into practice. The Sophia Center of the Huntington Seminary of the Immaculate Conception was a beacon for interfaith in action. I served there. But with the passing of its founder, Father Bob Smith, it died with him. What a loss!!

For 40 years, Temple Emanuel has been one of my fora. Its banner, held aloft, became the vehicle for events like this one. And the iconic Al-Azhar of Cairo, the citadel of moderate Islam, since the year 975 AD, is now leading “the Religious Revolution” to counter jihadism.

From vocabulary to vocation. In secular Egypt which I visited earlier this month, I saw a progression. From the horrible year of Islamic rule by the Muslim Brotherhood (2012-2013) to action through interfaith. Represented by millions of Muslims cheering on the Coptic church.

And in 2011, Al-Azhar has been calling for a huge change of concepts. It advocated that “Islam does not recognize a State based solely on religion.” The world outside of Egypt did not hear that historic call. Reason: it was in Arabic.

The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia intone the myth of a Sunni Islam vs. Shii Islam. But Pope Francesco, the Jesuit in white robes, the Pope of the Poor, is a better defender of Islam than the Wahhabis in their keffiyehs and white robes. For a long time, the Jesuits have immersed themselves in the study of the Quran and Islam.

The second successor of the prophet Muhammad was Omar. Omar gave specific orders to the Muslim armies upon their arrival at Jerusalem in the middle of the 8th centuries. I teach his legal decrees at Fordham Law. He prohibited the sequestration of churches and temples. That was interfaith in action.

Four centuries later, St. Francis of Asisi put his interfaith into practice. That was nine centuries before the Wahhabis co-ruled Saudi Arabia. He tried to mediate the conflict between the Crusaders and Saladin -a Kurd.

In the New Egypt, the secular Constitution of 2014 provides for the official recognition of the Torah and the Bible. All Jewish temples in Egypt are now being refurbished.

This is the new age of the individual -sovereign, rebellions, suspect of authority, has the social media at his or her fingertips.

But that individual does not know what to do -except scream. Let us heed the call of that sovereign and work toward changing that scream into a symphony of putting interfaith into action.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Transformation of Egypt Through Revolution: Issue Analysis from the Fall of Mubarak (2011) to the Rise of El-Sisi (2014)

Volume I of my blogs can be purchased in a bounded copy from:

In Fending Off Its Attackers, What Does Egypt Need to Master? The Art of Response!!

In national life, the most critical juncture is transitioning. From chaos to stability. From poverty to development. From dictatorship to democracy. From the Rule by One, to participation.

The New Egypt is now at this critical juncture. Transitioning from a have-not country to a have country. From the dependent State under Mubarak, to the strong State under El-Sisi. From borrowing and foreign aid, to being self-sufficient. From a country concerned with the affairs of other Arab States, to one concerned primarily with its own improvement.

That is why the great Egyptian educator, Loutfi El-Sayed, advocated one essential principle for Egyptian development. He cried out "Build Fences Around Egypt!!" That is the essence of "charity starts at home." But Egyptian leaders did not heed that call. Examples from the Nasser period:

  • Did Egypt need to unite with Syria from 1958 to 1961: No. To Syria, Egypt exported a stern military intelligence governance. From Syria, Egypt got a deluge of nonsensical rhetoric about socialism and Arabism.
  • Did Egypt need to be immersed in the Palestinian problem to the extend of losing its unity with the Sudan? No!! The plebiscite of 1954 in the Sudan resulted in 7 to 1. Seven for unity, from Damietta on the Mediterranean to Lake Albert at the source of the Nile. Water is power.
  • An Egyptian/Sudanese union would have been the strongest backbone for the Nilotic population in dealing with the outside world. Instead, of bringing in the Sudanese leadership, beginning with Ismail El-Azhari, to co-rule the Nile Valley, North and South, Egypt sent Salah Salem to perform a tribal dance in southern Sudan.
  • To southern Sudan, an intelligent leadership in Egypt should have sent Coptic leadership. From ages immemorial, the Coptic Church had been advocating a federation between the Egypt/the Sudan and Uganda and Ethiopia. But the wise voice of the Copts were inaudible to the ears of Egypt's strong man, Nasser.
  • Did Egypt need to rush headlong into the Yemeni civil war of 1962, following the disastrous dissolution in 1961 of the artificial union between Egypt and Syria? No.  That was a tribal coup, leading to a mountain warfare for which the Egyptian army has never been trained. It caused rupture with Saudi Arabia, depleted Egypt's meager resources, forced Nasser's Egypt to use napalm against the tribes supporting the Imam (the present day Houthis).
  • That involvement also whetted Israel's appetite to attack Egypt in 1967. Resulting in the greatest catastrophe in the history of the modern Arabs. Resulting in the second Israeli occupation of Sinai, on Nasser's watch, the occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Namely the rise of Greater Israel. Only Sinai was returned to Egypt, thanks to Sadat's vision of "let us first take care of Egypt."
  • For that liberation, Sadat was assassinated. The first Egyptian head of State to exit life in that fashion since Mameluke days. And as Sadat was breathing his last on October 6, 1981, and paving the way to an inept Mubarak as President, the PLO issued a statement of treachery. "May the hand that pulled the trigger be blessed," the Arafat organization intoned.
The Arab system which produced the present League of Arab States in 1944 has a birth defect. It unites the Arab States peripherally. You can only see the outer field of vision. But enhances their division substantially.

Since its establishment, the League of Arab States (LAS) has convened 144 regular sessions. This is without mentioning the new mechanism of Arab summits. At that rate, and by simple math, LAS has met 2.5 times each year of its lazy existence. And not much to show for it.

Just consider the role of LAS in the present Syrian horrific genocidal conflict. With 11 million Syrians either in full flight or trapped inside as internally displaced. Who is acting on this mammoth Arab catastrophe? Not LAS. But Russia, the US, Iran and Assad the butcher of Syria. Suspending Syria's membership of LAS had zero impact on Assad.

So why keep what doesn't work? Unless the Arabs are eternally wedded to the concept of LAS as a talisman. An object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune. Most of Arab North African States have more commercial, financial and trade agreements with Europe than with other members of LAS.

From all the above, there are objective lessons: The only useful mechanisms in LAS are its functional adjuncts -its sub-agencies working on trade, education, health...etc. The least useful in the LAS mechanisms are those dealing with political and sovereignty issues.

The Arab system should learn from the Organization of American States (OAS). Reason: The inter-American system does not allow for interference in internal affairs. The Arab system is diseased by that interventionary germ. Illuminating examples: splintered Hamas, and petro-dollar puffed-up Qatar supporting the terroristic rebellion of the so-called Muslim Brotherhood inside big Egypt. A hopeless endeavor which the New Egypt is robustly confronting.

Now back to the need for this New Egypt, re-emerging into "the strong State" to practise the Art of Response. Just focusing on one recent report by David Kirkpatrick, New York Times correspondent in Cairo, and a consistent attacker of the policies of post-Islamist Egypt: His article is dated September 22, 2015, and its parsing (analytical examination) should serve as a sample for the need to learn the Art of Response.

In my view, the David Kirkpatrick article is a model of what appears to be deliberate animus toward post-Islamist Egypt. It is headed: "Egypt Destroying Far More Homes Than Buffer-Zone Plan Called For."

I shall use it as a sample illustrating the art of response as a demolition tool. Here is a suggested technique honed through my practise as a defense attorney.

First: Find consistency of bias by his paper - The New York Times.  And show how that consistency is in violation of the obvious facts. Bias is basically an irrational smothering of the facts. The New York Times has nearly always attacked post-Islamist Egypt through its editorials and its reporters based in Cairo. It is a bias in favor of the mother of terrorist organizations called the Muslim Brotherhood. That paper still regards the Brotherhood as a legal and peaceful opposition.

Second: Impeach the source or sources of that article. This one is fairly easy. The sources are invariably the same. Kirkpatrick invariably seeks out the same poisonous wells. In the case of this article, these are: Human Rights Watch, a non-governmental organization in search of funds. Through attempting to interpret the facts about the New Egypt to fit its own theoretical notions of what constitutes the upholding of human rights. It is a private corporation in search of aggression through intervening in internal affairs via the human rights pearly gate. Ignoring that in countries in transition, like Egypt, the collective rights of the populace trump the rights of the individual.

Third: Parsing the offending text: This is the coup de grace -the stage of the death blow through correct factual analysis. While doing so, put a big mirror fronting the faces of the likes of Kirkpatrick. This is intended to uncover the idiocy of bias through reporting. Here we cite only 3 excerpts.
  • (1) "The government has destroyed more than 3,255 homes and other civilian buildings... More than 3,200 families have been displaced... And security forces are still in the process of levelling the entire border town of Rafah, which has a population of 78,000."
  • Counter-points: Terrorism in Sinai is an outright warfare. Egypt is acting on the western adage: "Everything is fair in love and war." Sovereign Egypt cannot wage that war with its hands tied behind its back. Its military commanders are in no need of consulting before acting. US pilotless drones over Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen do not pre-warn their victims. I, have seen the huge devastation in Falluja, Iraq, during two US demolition operations. Following the total defeat of Nazi Germany, the allies in 1945 levelled the city of Dresden for no obvious defensive reasons.
  • (2) "The government has produced no public evidence that militants have ever received weapons or aid through the tunnels."
  • Counter-points: This is the abyss of idiocy. No need to cite instances of "public evidence," which Kirkpatrick himself ignores in making his mythical case. Common sense is sufficient evidence, when asking: "From where did the Gazan and other terrorists gotten their weapons? But thanks, David, for at least admitting that the tunnels exist or existed." But for what purpose? Please also note that when a weapon is smuggled through the tunnels dug by Gazans, the weapon is not stamped "Tunnel-Procured."
  • On the very date of that offending Kirkpatrick article, US Congress heard testimony on the role of those tunnels in terror warfare. In a hearing for 2 hours before the Senate Armed Services committee. The witness was General David Petraeus, former CIA Director (2011-2012) and former Commander in Iraq and Afghanistan. So please hear him declare to the approbation of all committee members. "The Egyptian Government has done an excellent job in destroying those tunnels through which weapons flowed."
  • (3) After a militant attack on a checkpoint killed 28 soldiers, the Sisi government announced plans for a buffer zone in October. 
  • Counter-points: At long last, Kirkpatrick sets forth the legitimate reason for Egypt's need to create that buffer zone. But what he concedes by one hand, he, without shame, takes away by the other. That is particularly where he describes those legitimate actions by Cairo as "scorched-earth tactics." He conveniently forgets that Sinai was earth-scorched only twice, in 1956 and in 1967. During two wars of aggression by Israel against Egypt.
A buffer zone in Sinai to keep ISIS affiliates in Gaza, including the murderous terrorists of the so-called "the Province of Sinai" cannot compare in magnitude with US actions in 1941/42 against American citizens of Japanese descent. Remember the concentration campus established by the Roosevelt administration in which thousands of citizens were herded. Ostensible justification: national security in the aftermath of the sneaky attack by imperial Japan against Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

This is although Kirkpatrick is not the only example which could be used to demonstrate the art of response in rebuttal.

For we have other examples taken from the present campaign for nomination by the Republican party for US President in 2016. One of these is Dr. Ben Carson. An Afro-American physician who made a most egregious declaration against Islam and Muslims during a debate in Las Vegas.

Carson said that he regarded Islam as incompatible with the principles of the U.S. Constitution. Then added that therefore no Muslim could ever be president of the U.S. Yet contrary to Carson's demagogic assertion, my research in 2016 for the American Bar Association proved that Islamic Law and the U.S. Constitution have 80% of their principles in common.

So when the Carson campaign called me recently for a contribution, I fully employed my art of response. In my refusal to make a financial contribution, I could not possibly dwell on the virtues of Islam. Not to, a confirmed bigot. Therefore, I simply reminded that caller that Carson, through his racism, was endangering US security. By providing jihadists with ammunition for their claim that Islam was disrespected, denigrated. Worse still, that Islam was under attack.

Because of their idiocy, shameless individuals, like Kirkpatrick and Carson, deserve to be objects of the Arab proverb: "Those without shame have no limits to what they do or say!!"

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thousands of Arabs Are Fleeing!! From What? From a Disastrous Arab System!!

Aylan Kurdi, a Syrian of 3 years of age.  Lying lifeless, face down, on a Turkish beach.  Washed by the sea waves as dead fish.  Nearby were the bodies of his brother and mother.  Emblematic of a disastrous Arab system.  Those bodies graphically depicted a lifeless Arab State system.  In fact a non-system, except in name only.

And across those merciless waves of the Mediterranean, thousands upon thousands of Syrians and Iraqis were in full flight.  With their babies and meager belongings, braving barbed wire, fences, and inclement weather.  All running from the horrors of misrule, butchery, and hunger in their countries of origin.  Mostly Muslim, running into the welcoming arms of Germany and Austria, facilitated by Greece and Italy.  Seeking refuge in Christian countries; in total fear of Muslim countries where death is everywhere.

Anomalies, yet realities.  Arab refugees, by the thousands, lost faith in their flags, traditions, symbols, and religious incantations.  To them, the words of Arab leaders were mere lies.  And they were lies.  In Damascus, the capital city of death, banners proclaimed that the Arabs were "One Nation, with an eternal message!!"  How cynical!!  As you raise your head to read that banner, you are greeted by a barrel bomb whistling its way to you from above.  With a clear warning: "Are you still here?!!"

Arab flags are mostly of three colors (red, white and black).  Representing a famed Arab poem.  That is when the Arabs truly believed in the words of their focal points, from rulers to poets.  The poet had meant red, for liberational struggle; white, for pure intentions; and black, for victory over an unjust past.  But the millions of refugees have come to see in their national flags only doom and gloom.  Trust in Arab governments is gone.  Trust in the often maligned West is the new creed.

ISIS, Bashar, sectarianism, and jihadism are now all one.  Yes, Islam is a faith of tolerance, collective care, and rescue for the downtrodden.  This is what the Book (the Quran) says. But is there much generalized faith in the great Quranic instruction which abhors senseless death, extra-judicial executions, car bombs, human suicide, and arcane interpretation of Islam?  If there is, show me.

Show me where is verse 32 of Chapter V of the Quran is observed.  Read it and judge for yourself. If follows:
"...We prescribed to the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless it be for retaliation or because of spreading corruption on earth, it would be as if he had killed all mankind.  And whoever saves a life, it would be as if he had saved the life of all Mankind..."

Where is Bashar from that heavenly standard?  Where is Maliki, who as Prime Minister of Iraq, openly practiced sectarianism?  Did Qaddafi of Libya, or Saleh of Yemen abide by it?  We are not talking about lax observance of basic human rights!!  We are here dealing with genocidal acts against citizens!!

Most of the Arab geographic area now looks like a cesspool of brazen untruths, and unbelievable inequities.  Splashed over billions of screens of social media.  While Europe getting together to host Arab and other refugees, Arab petro-dollars are gearing up to  refurbish images of their leaders.  Through very costly western public relations firms.  Funding for image, not for substance.  Including fancy speeches about human rights in the halls of the UN General Assembly later this September.  Image, image, image!!

And speaking of "inter-faith!!"  The Arabs still regard it as "a dialogue."  A conversation.  A kind of a composition.  A statement in flowery words meant to enhance the standing of those who utter them.  Not the importance of the message, which is only honored in the breach.

Action?  The main action is in the West.  That is where compassion towards Muslim refugees is flowing beyond bounds.  Pope Francis has called for opening monasteries and the Vatican itself, to shelter that Muslim stampede.  Germany has allocated nearly $5 Billions to care for those arrivals in Munich.  Austrians have stood for hours to say to those immigrants: "Welcome to your new home."  Even an individual, a young woman lawyer in Florida, Carolina Maluje.  Partly Syrian, partly Chilean.  Told me recently: "I must do something for those Syrian immigrants."

An Arab foreign minister from a petro-dollar country was asked: "What has your country done for the Syrian refugees?"  His answer was an example of obscurity.  "Many of my countrymen are married to Syrian women," said he proudly.  How impenetrable to sight this can be!!  Thanks God, there arose Arab exceptions.  Mr. Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian Copt and a billionaire, rose up to purchase a Greek or an Italian island to house those refugees.

The flood of Arab immigrants has revealed where the rule of the law is observed by only a minority of 22 Arab governments.  Arab advocacy of one common history, and one common language has remained only aspirational.  Non-supported by a broad culture.  A culture illuminating a road map drawn by the intersection of common interests.  As a result, the League of Arab States has been frozen in paralysis since the adoption of its Alexandria Charter in 1944.

No way could an Arab Union, similar to the European Union, emerge in the foreseeable future.  For loyalty, in the majority of Arab States, remains confined to the tribe, or the region, or the province.  That is unless you are in a country like Egypt or Tunisia.  Reason: national cohesiveness is a reflection of a historical continuum which began centuries ago.  The fate of a divided Sudan, a divided Yemen, a divided Syria may travel to cover other Arab States beyond these unhappy examples.

In spite of these disheartening contradictions, the migration catastrophe has evoked in the Arab homeland a sense of shame.  Acted upon individually, by each sovereign State as an act of charity.

Amr Musa, former Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, made a high-ringing statement on September 9 in Austria.  The occasion was the annual meeting of the International Peace Institute which was convened to discuss challenges to the present international legal system.  As usual, his emphasis was on hope for solidarity in regard to the immigration catastrophe affecting the Syrians and the Iraqis.

You read it, then ask the humorous American advertising question:  "Where Is the Beef?"  Proposals on top of proposals.  Who will implement?  Who will pay?  Who will evaluate the performance?  And who will remove the root causes?  Questions dancing over the horizon of hope.  Soon to be forgotten.  A high-level meeting.  But with a low-level energy!!

Nonetheless, Aylan Kurdi's lifeless body has, in its own way, convulsed the Arab State lifeless body to twitch.  A short spastic contraction of the fibers of the Arab muscle:

  • Jordan is now a host of more than a million Syrians.  The only Arab State with historically open borders to all Arabs;
  • Same numbers in Lebanon and Iraq;
  • Egypt hosts a quarter of a million;
Of course, numbers do change.  What does not change may be presented succinctly hereunder:
  • Europe had started a coordinated policy.  It is based on future quotas of Syrian and Iraqi immigrants.  With Germany taking the most.  While other members of the 28 Member States of the European Union, like Greece, may take the least;
  • The Arab world, where the Syrian killing fields exist, has no coordinated policy in this regard.  Each State is on its own.  However the Arabs are bound together, through the League of Arab States.
  • Those binding ties are focused on the League's image.  Ambassador Ahmed Bin Hilli, Under-Secretary-General of the League, on September 8 rose to defend the League against European criticism of weak Arab action.  The issue, he fulminated, will be discussed at the forthcoming 144th session of the League at the ambassadorial level.  Again the image is in the forefront; the real action, coordinated or not, remains in the realm of eternal hope.
In the meantime, policies, plans, and implementing mechanisms are being set-up elsewhere in Europe and the Americas.  Said the lady President of Brazil, "the image of that dead toddler, Aylan Kurdi has shocked us all as a challenge to the whole world."  A whale of a difference between Arab paralysis, and non-Arab actions. Primary reason why the Arabs are fleeing from most of their homeland.  In droves.  They are not heading East.  They are heading West in a massive Hijrah!!

Running away from an Arab State system whose nominal faith is the great Islam whose Book advocates: "Cooperate with all in what is good and pious.  And do not cooperate in what is sinful and aggressive." (Chapter V, Verse 2).

And since God is One under the principle of Tawheed (God's oneness), the castaways, mostly Muslim, are seeking the certitude of safety provided by Christian governments.  For there is action on the belief of "The Peace Prayer" of St. Francis of Assisi.  In part it says: "For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned."

All this is happening under the dark shadow of 9/11 where men, covering their box cutters under the cloth of Islam, caused the murder of 3000 innocent victims.

That faith in murder has been passed on to phantom governments like Syria's, and phantom caliphates like ISIS.

The Arab code of old was superior to the Arab code of today.  Because the older code regarded the admission of failure as the road to reform.  In his instructions to the Arab judiciary, Omar, the second Caliph to succeed the Prophet Muhammad in leading the nascent Muslim State said it all.  "Never hesitate to reflect on your judgment of yesterday.  For nullifying a bad judgment is better by far than perpetuating an error."

Alas!!  That was 1400 years ago.  Today's Mr. Hilli, the Under-Secretary-General of the League of the Arab States does not abide by that golden rule.  To him, admission of the shortcomings of the League is a sign of weakness.  Forgetting that the whole world is witnessing leaks in the plumbing of the Arab system.  Leaking millions of horrified millions of Arabs of all denominations.  Running away from what used to be a Homeland, but no more.

That broken system needs an army of plumbers.  For fixing the leaks in the moral infra-structure of Arab lands can never be done by pretending that it does not exist.  Reason why Omar, though a Bedouin, was, by all accounts, the real "Arab Profile in Courage!!"  Ignoring his Code shall result in a million Syrians expected to flee their country by the end of 2015.

Friday, September 4, 2015

How Appalling To See a Mainstream Writer Like David Brooks, Seemingly Legitimating The ISIS Mega Crooks!!

He is an admired Op Ed page writer employed by the New York Times.  When I buy that paper, I begin reading it not from the front.  But from the back.  Looking to learn something new from Paul Krugman on economics.  He is a Nobel Prize Laureate at Princeton University.  And from David Brooks, a distinguished commentator on American social trends and values.

Being a creature of habit, I did the same on August 28.  Both Krugman and Brooks were on the same Op Ed page.  What a jolt from reading Brooks!!  Under the title of "When Rapists Win."

To his credit, he begins, in his inimitable style, to assess ISIS as we all know it.  His first line sums it in a few words: "The ISIS atrocities have descended like distant nightmares upon the conscious of the world."  Yet, amazingly, his column proceeds, unpredictably, to an abyss of illogic.  Seemingly to legitimate the ISIS mega-crooks, by conceding to them their grounds.  On what basis, if I am reading him correctly?: On the basis of a fait accompli.

Herein lies the roots of my disgust with one of my favorite writers.  Samples raising red flags:
  • "(ISIS) offers a confident vision of the future.  It fills the vacuum left by decaying nationalist ideologies;"
  • (Its) intent is to use this as a wedge with which to expand beyond its base in Iraq and Syria and weaken secular nationalist borders in Lebanon, Jordan and in even more innately nationalist countries like Egypt;"
  • "This is a war about a vision of history.  ISIS have legitimacy because it controls territory and has a place to enact them."
Mr. Brooks: "A confident vision of the future?!"  Does jihadism have "a future," or "a vision?"  Only because they marched in and occupied land where no government existed?  Where the Sunni population, crushed by the Maliki sectarian rule, which had been propped up by America's crazy invasion of Iraq in 2003, sided temporarily with the ISIS hordes?  And in Syria, Bashar had to vacate the northeast to hold his crumbling lines around Damascus?

Mr. Brooks: You are theorizing imaginatively about the issue of territorial control, illegally achieved, as if it were irreversible.  You are claiming for ISIS a pasture which our own government, the U.S., does not concede.  Let alone, the international coalition of 40 other countries.  Not even the Kurdish Pesh Merga which has pushed ISIS out of Kobani and other areas.

Your expression of defeatism is not only unsupported by the facts on the present ground of battle against that paper tiger, called the Baghdadi Caliphate.  It flies rudely in the face of two historical facts, not of the type of your depressing "vision of history."

Your first fallacy is that ISIS is "weakening secular nationalist borders."  It is the Arab Spring, wherever it has overcome the resultant civil wars, that is redrawing "the secular nationalist borders."  This is the start of nullification of the colonial borders forced upon the Arabs by the victors of the First World War.  The Arabs are now in the process of burying Mr. Sykes and M. Picot.  Two conspirators who nullified promises given to the Arabs in return for turning against Ottoman oppresive rule.  Post-Assad Syria may witness the rise of three states, replacing one unified Syria.

Your second fallacy is your unthinking statement about Arab nationalism.  For your claim: "For the past many decades the Middle East has been defined by nation-states and the Arab mind has been influenced by nationalism.  But these nation-States have been weakened (Egypt) or destroyed (Iraq and Syria).  Nationalism no longer mobilizes popular passion or provides convincing historical narrative."

Mr. Brooks: From where did you get that?  Surely, at least in the case of Egypt, you did not get it from the Egyptian street.  My proof on your distance from objective reality: The U.S. government and media still overlook the significance of 35 million Egyptians rising in a historical "Egyptian Intifadah," on June 30, 2013.  Calling on now deposed Islamist President Morsi, "IRHAL" (Begone!!).  In spite of these realities, the Brotherhood is still looked upon in many American quarters as a legitimate opposition whose removal constituted a coup by the Armed Forces.  A continuous affront to the free will of the overwhelming majority of the Egyptian people.

On these grounds alone, I doubt it, Mr. Brooks, that you are as familiar with Egyptian history as I am.  I am not in competition with you.  You have The New York Times as your vehicle.  I have the facts about the history of modern Egypt as mine.  And facts are more supreme and durable than media.  Especially when those media are either biased or uninformed.

As a teacher of Egyptian history, let me share with you a bit of that history:
  • For the past 7000 years, Egyptian nationalism has been the glue that binds the nation;
  • Never has Egypt witnessed civil war, nor, in spite of colonial British attempts, has it been split between North and South;
  • The only army in the Arab homeland, whose recruits and officer corps owe allegiance only to the State, not to provinces, is the Egyptian army;
  • In 1952, Colonel Nasser ousted King Farouk by staging an army coup.  Upon the King's departure from Alexandria, the front man of the coup, Muhammad Naguib saluted his monarch with a 21-gun salute.  Farouk's last words to General Naguib were: "Take care of Egypt's army."  That is nationalism at its best, Mr. Brooks.
  • In spite of modest economic means, Egyptian women surrendered repeatedly since the 1870s, their golden ornaments to shore up state finances.  The first women revolt against the hijab, was in Egypt in the early 20th century; an assertion of Egyptian secularism;
  • Egypt is the only Arab State which officially celebrates Christmas as a national holiday.  That is on January 7, which marks the Eastern Orthodox Christmas.  And the only mass political party in Egypt whose symbol is the Crescent with the Cross within it replacing the star -the Wafd party, established in 1919;
  • In homage to the roots of the faith of its majority, Islam, the only Arab flag which is adorned by the falcon of Quarish, the Arabian tribe of which the Prophet Muhammad was a member of its main branch (the great Hashemites) is Egypt's flag.
And I hope that your argument, David Brooks, about the weakening of Arab nationalism, especially by a phantom called ISIS, had found its inanity (silliness) on August 6, 2015.  That is the date on which Egypt inaugurated Suez Canal II.  Built within less than one year by subscriptions from only Egyptian citizens.

With Suez Canal II yesterday, and now with the discovery of huge gas reserves off Egyptian territorial waters, Egyptian nationalism shall continue to express itself in the new song: "Tomorrow, Egypt Shall Be Sweeter."

Finally, and in regard to the assertions of The New York Times of August 18, 2015 which headlined "Egypt Expands State Power With a New Security Law," I have the following rebuttal:

State power in Egypt does not expand through the promulgation of security laws.  Laws are invariably an external result of internal developments.  That power expands through nationalist fervor.  Uncomplicated by the resort to the total denial of due process manifest in our American phenomenon of "Guantanamo."  Shameful, yet falsely trumpeted as a security measure.

Mr. Brooks: Guantanamo has "become (one of the) recruiting tools "for jihadism.  Quoting the words of none other than President Obama.  His efforts over the past 7 years to close that abysmal institution of horror and torture have failed.  Due to the obstructionism of the Republican-dominated Congress of the U.S.