Really, Donald?! In October alone, you lied eleven-hundred times. By calling El-Sisi a killer, you deserve a membership card in the Muslim Brotherhood!! Congratulations!! You and Mohamed Morsi are soul mates -habitual liars. Both of you hold no belief in the values of your respective countries: America and Egypt.
Trump's falsehood calling El-Sisi a killer is now placed in two contexts: The "truth" context; and the "leadership comparison" context.
I am not a spokesman for the president of Egypt; have never met him; not paid by him; but voted for him. Trump has a megaphone -the bully pulpit of the White House. El-Sisi has no lobby in the U.S. Has no public relations firm in America. So let my voice, my blog, voice what I know to be the bare facts.
In the "truth" context, Donald Trump has lied to America at the rate of 30 to 40 lies daily. That is a world record. Surpassing even that of Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. But with a difference: Goebbels used the big lies technique. His American clone, Trump, trades in "retail." Saturating the market. And that is the president of the U.S. who came to power, not through popular majority. But through an anachronism in the U.S. Constitution -the Electoral College.
By comparison, El-Sisi, to the best of my knowledge, has never lied to the 103 million Arabs who call themselves "Egyptians." A full one-third of the Arab nation. Does not make things up. Does neither exaggerate, nor conflate.
The Islamic adage bequeathed to 1.7 billion Muslims by Abu-Bakr, the First successor of the Prophet Muhammad says: "Truth is a sacred trust. Lying is an abominable betrayal."
El-Sisi was selected by Mohamed Morsi to the post of Defense Minister for his abiding by Islamic rules of conduct. There is no greater distance morally or ethically between Trump and El-Sisi!! The former is a congenital liar; the latter is a habitual truth expounder.
Now to the "leadership comparison" context. Trump rules by fear. In an interview as a presidential candidate, he said: "Real power is -I don't even want to use the word -fear." On the opposite side, stands El-Sisi as he assures Egypt to fear neither the terrorist attacks in Sinai, nor the slow progress from a weak economy to an emerging economy, now fuelled by the discovery of vast fields of natural gas.
On freedom of trade, stupid Trump claims without evidence, that the outside world is ripping America off; that the World Trade Organization is the "worst" ever international organization; that Canada, Mexico, and China should be punished by high tariffs on steel and aluminum.
Then look at El-Sisi: delivered a Second Suez Canal; bolstered trade with Africa, the Arab homeland, the European Union (including Greece and Cyprus). Stationed an aircraft carrier at the southern end of the Red Sea to ensure freedom of navigation.
On the use of the military, Trump presides over a country which is uncertain about the use of its armed forces. To stay in nearly 120 countries, or to retrench. If staying, the host countries, including South Korea, Japan, and Germany should, as Trump demands, pay up the defense cost. If leaving, Trump is shifting the rules of engagement with the Taliban. Namely: abandonment. If Trump believes in what he says, then why does he, on November 10, scold President Macron of France for calling for the protection of Western Europe by building a European army?! Trump who insults daily, ludicrously called Macron's suggestion an insult!!
But El-Sisi, a distinguished general and commander in chief, has no such problems. The only Egyptian forces abroad are those volunteered to the UN Peace-keeping operations.
For Trump, treaties are to be shredded with abandon. He exited the Iran nuclear deal; the Paris Accord on climate change; the Trans Pacific Partnership, and the North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA).
By contrast, Egypt has never abandoned an international agreement. Never!! Even in regard to the Suez Canal treaty. Nasser, in 1956, did not nationalize the Canal (it is sovereign territory not subject to nationalization). He nationalized the Suez Canal Company. All share-holders were fully compensated.
By his utterances and executive orders, Trump is an avowed racist. El-Sisi presides over a country in which the color of skin varies from white to brown, to black. All equal under the law. Dark color is even celebrated in Egyptian songs: "Asmar Ya Samarah!!"
By contrast, Trump's father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. And he and his Donald, have denied Afro-Americans renting any of their apartments in Queens, New York.
Compare this to Egypt, a country which prides itself for its membership in the African Union (the AU). But Trump has called those countries "shithole countries." In the mold of a confirmed liar, he denied saying it. One of his lap dogs, Senator Lindsey Graham mocked that denial to Trump's face. "You said it, Mr. President."
They say that inside each bully is a coward. Fear is the bully's weapon. Trump, in desperate search for matters to frighten American citizens, has found in his tool kit: immigration. "The caravan from Central America is about to invade our southern borders. Middle Easterners are among them. Tough fearsome men."
Trump has shirked his duty to serve in the military. But suddenly he became America's savior from "the brown people's invasion." That caravan is no more than a bunch of poor refugees fleeing their countries in search for a better life.
Trump's foolish claims were rebutted by his predecessor. Obama, referring to Trump's deploying US military to "confront the caravan," described that deployment as "a political stunt." Trump called on the military to respond to any stone throwing by "rifle fire." A war crime. Again to Obama in the opposition: "Our military deserves better."
As to Egypt, thousands of Syrians and Iraqis have been peacefully integrated within Egyptian society. And the danger to America did not come from "Middle Easterners." But from American white misfits with assault rifles, condoned by mixing fictitious fear with the amity between the Republican party and the National Rifle Association.
On women and youth, the difference between Trump and El-Sisi could not be more stark.
Trump, on video, is recorded gloating over his inclination to grab women by their genitals. "When you are a celebrity, they let you do it." In Moscow, the Russians have videoed him in the company of prostitutes in his hotel room. And youth for Trump, are mere props with Trump's hats in rallies screaming for the blood of his adversary.
El-Sisi, by contrast, is a pious person, a family man, with one-third of his Cabinet made up of able women. And when it comes to youth, just study El-Sisi's regular jamborees with youth. Being inspired by the ethos of public service for country and community. Their motto is "Long Live Egypt" (Tahiya Misr). Not the dark motivator induced by Trump ("America First"). Meaning: America for the whites only. There is no "Egypt First" in the Egyptian public discourse.
When it comes to the judiciary, Trump's goal is to extend his sticky fingers of control to the Supreme Court. Thus translating "a More Perfect Union" into "control of the three branches of government." What a relief that Trump's Republican Party has lost the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections.
The battle for confirming Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court was won for one obvious but faulty reason: "The President cannot be prosecuted." An affront to the Constitution, though now condoned by an Acting Attorney-General. But is expected to be soon overwhelmed by the results of the investigation by the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, in the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia in its cyber attack on America.
By contrast, the Egyptian Constitution of 2014, is fully observed as it states in Article 184 that "interference in matters of justice is a crime with no statute of limitation (SOL)."
Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, has found that Oval Office business and decision making was haphazard, chaotic. In his book, on Trump in the White House, Woodward quotes Kelly saying: "The President's unhinged." And "The President just really doesn't understand anything."
Does calling El-Sisi an "F... killer" merit devoting this entire blog posting to it as a rebuttal? Yes, if you take the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood into account!!
That epithet comes straight from the idiotic propaganda resulting from the failure of the Brotherhood's attempt to convert Egypt from a secular State into an Islamic emirate.
Let us here recall that the Brotherhood responded to the 30 June 2013 Egyptian Revolution by trying to hold the country hostage.
After the dismissal of Morsi as a failing ideological president, the Brotherhood's goons besieged Cairo by occupying two central public squares: Rabaa and El-Nahda. For 6 weeks, that siege went on, challenging the security forces to clear those rebellious enclaves.
More than 800 persons, including police officers, were killed. Since its inception in 1928, the Brotherhood's ideology included self-victimization "in the name of God." Its call for "dying in the name of God is our fervent hope" is a pre-destination intent.
El-Sisi killed nobody. The Islamists died needlessly in that confrontation. In legal practice, we call this "suicide by the police," through the "assumption of risk."
Trump's adoption of the Brotherhood's hopeless call for a fresh rebellion brands that brainless man a Quixotic figure. Trump, though showing outward amity to El-Sisi, is a brainless fool for whom friendship is only a way of self-ingratiation.
The 19th century French philosopher, Ernest Renan provided an apt definition of "a nation." A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. In the age of Trump, principles are mere soap bubbles floating in the air. An air-filled cavity.
As is well known, Trump is known to be obsequious toward Putin of Russia. In the language of intelligence, Trump's role in this regard is known as that of "the useful idiot."
By contrast, the President of Egypt is nobody's useful idiot.
An American friend of mine has reminded me of something regarding the history of America's presidents of whom Trump is Number 45. He wrote: "We have had a lot of dumb presidents. But I am not sure any of them (prior to Trump) have thought themselves brilliant!!"
Friday, November 30, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
To Achieve Ordered Liberty, Governance and Religion Have to be Kept Apart
We begin with a quote from a great American jurist. Chief Justice Warren Burger of the Supreme Court (1969-1986) said: "Ever since people began living in tribes and villages, they have had to balance order with liberty. Individual freedom had to be weighed against the need for security for all."
Lofty words uttered by Burger in his capacity as Chairman of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution (1987). That Constitution has massively influenced the separation between governance and religion. Its First Amendment, the first of ten Amendments. In their collectivity, they are called "The Bill of Rights," which were ratified in December 1791.
Here follows what the First Amendment states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the rights of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance."
In the same vein, the UN Charter, as agreed in San Francisco in June 1945, reiterated the need for not taking religion as a criterion in human affairs. Its Article I, paragraph 3 reads as follows:
"To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, language, or religion."
The provisions above represent the summit of values to be observed by all societies and nations with one objective in mind: Keep faith in your heart, not on your sleeve. Don't brandish your religion as a global measure for approved human interaction. It does not work. Faith is not subject to negotiation or compromise. But man-made policies are concrete human products which are subject to alteration, negotiation, and accommodation.
That is where evangelism fails that global test. It claims some mythical superiority as regards to "human salvation." Salvation is for the hereafter not for the "now." The road to "the hereafter" is chosen by personal selection. But the road to "the now" is dictated by changing circumstances.
How is "evangelism" defined? Here is a general wording for it, not to denigrate it, but to keep it out of the global march towards international cooperation. Here is a reading of its omnibus meaning:
"Evangelic is teaching of the Gospel. Mainly in line of the Protestant school maintaining that the essence of the Gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by faith. Also by good works and sacraments having no saving efficacy."
But evangelicals, otherwise knows as "the Christian Right" put God in the voting booth!! Their premier American spokesman is Ralph Reed of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. In September 2018, he boasted of the organizing power of the Christian Nationalist movement. That was at the Values Voters Summit where he wrongly predicted the failure of the Blue Wave (the capture by the Democrats of either or both the House and the Senate).
But his prediction was gone with the wind at the mid-term elections of Nov. 6. The Democrats, gaining nearly 40 new seats, have gained the House of Representatives. Reed's prophecy of "They (the Democrats) are going to be more shocked than they were the last time (2016)." Reed's prophetic utterance was as faulty as that of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which claimed "legitimacy" in spite of the massive Egyptian crowds in June 2013 calling for it to disappear (IRHAL).
No amount of dollars spent by the Christian Nationalist movement in support of their choice for president, Trump, could avert the blue coup against the fascism of "America First" (America Uber Alles). It is estimated that movement, relying on an extensive network of conservative pastors, within the so-called "Family Research Council" had invested $18 million in 2018, up from $10 million in 2016, and $5 million in 2014.
The entire evangelical movement, which goes by various names including "Watchmen on the Wall," represents a regression from the Constitutional provision for separation between Church and State. Some of its by products are the walls represented by Muslim bans; but also by the barbed wire walls deployed at America's southern border against Central American asylum seekers.
At a rally in the State of Montana, Trump, the product of the concoction of political/evangelist/right, described that new wire wall as "the beautiful barbed wire." With military forces deployed at those borders to, ostensibly to block those migrants from "invading" the US, the cost is expected to reach $200 million. There is no specific budgetary allocation for that. But the out of control Commander In Chief (Trump) needed that foolish deployment as a political stunt.
In this lawless environment of the Trump era which is underpinned by evangelism, it is no surprise to hear J.C. Church, Watchmen on the Wall's national director to preach before November 6: "The No. 1 thing anybody can give you is the Supreme Christ. But the second greatest thing we can give this generation is the Supreme Court." Thus the evangelical needle is threaded to go from the voter, to Trump, to Congress, to the Supreme Court (as could be evidenced by the elevation of Kavanaugh to the 9th seat of the Supreme Court. What a difference between the Supreme Court of Burger and that of Roberts where 5 conservatives are aligned against 4 liberals. Kavanaugh has advocated the equivalency of "the President is above the law."
The degree of the popular rejection of the thesis of the evangelicals in the November mid-term elections could be measured by the lamentation of one of their leaders. Tami Fitzgerald, the executive director of the North Carolina Values Coalition told a pastors' meeting: "If we lose three seats to progressives, the whole Congress could be lost."
With this background of the marriage between faith and politics in view, it is no surprise to find the mindless President Trump, the creatures feature of that unconstitutional betrothal sulking in Paris at the 100th anniversary of World War I. Not only is he confronted by a hostile House of Representatives where articles of impeachment are already being considered. His elevation of "nationalism" over globalism has been forcefully rejected by this host, France's president Macron.
"Patriotism is one's love of country. Nationalism is hate of the other," said Macron with support of German Chancellor Merkel. To Trumpism, Macron and Merkel are the past. Putin and Kim Jong-Un are the future. The false dawn, as the Arabs say, that prods the human caravan to resume its trek, only to be enveloped later in total darkness.
So what do houses of worship do in the face of American law preventing them from campaigning for political causes? Otherwise they may lose their tax exemption status!! Leaders of the Christian nationalists are struggling to find a way out of this legal dilemma.
To their rescue, comes pastor Tami Fitzgerald. "I am telling you, you can talk about issues all day long as a pastor; you can tell people who you are going to vote for," She intoned. "But you must not publish that information in a church newsletter or state it from the pulpit."
Sheer chicanery -legal trickery, sophistry. Freedom of speech of the Constitution's First Amendment cannot overwhelm the injunction against "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
Evangelism, by its advocacy and operational intent, is establishing a political religious order -an enabler of a regressive political chaos, otherwise called "Trumpism!!"
Lofty words uttered by Burger in his capacity as Chairman of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution (1987). That Constitution has massively influenced the separation between governance and religion. Its First Amendment, the first of ten Amendments. In their collectivity, they are called "The Bill of Rights," which were ratified in December 1791.
Here follows what the First Amendment states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the rights of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance."
In the same vein, the UN Charter, as agreed in San Francisco in June 1945, reiterated the need for not taking religion as a criterion in human affairs. Its Article I, paragraph 3 reads as follows:
"To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, language, or religion."
The provisions above represent the summit of values to be observed by all societies and nations with one objective in mind: Keep faith in your heart, not on your sleeve. Don't brandish your religion as a global measure for approved human interaction. It does not work. Faith is not subject to negotiation or compromise. But man-made policies are concrete human products which are subject to alteration, negotiation, and accommodation.
That is where evangelism fails that global test. It claims some mythical superiority as regards to "human salvation." Salvation is for the hereafter not for the "now." The road to "the hereafter" is chosen by personal selection. But the road to "the now" is dictated by changing circumstances.
How is "evangelism" defined? Here is a general wording for it, not to denigrate it, but to keep it out of the global march towards international cooperation. Here is a reading of its omnibus meaning:
"Evangelic is teaching of the Gospel. Mainly in line of the Protestant school maintaining that the essence of the Gospel consists in the doctrine of salvation by faith. Also by good works and sacraments having no saving efficacy."
But evangelicals, otherwise knows as "the Christian Right" put God in the voting booth!! Their premier American spokesman is Ralph Reed of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. In September 2018, he boasted of the organizing power of the Christian Nationalist movement. That was at the Values Voters Summit where he wrongly predicted the failure of the Blue Wave (the capture by the Democrats of either or both the House and the Senate).
But his prediction was gone with the wind at the mid-term elections of Nov. 6. The Democrats, gaining nearly 40 new seats, have gained the House of Representatives. Reed's prophecy of "They (the Democrats) are going to be more shocked than they were the last time (2016)." Reed's prophetic utterance was as faulty as that of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which claimed "legitimacy" in spite of the massive Egyptian crowds in June 2013 calling for it to disappear (IRHAL).
No amount of dollars spent by the Christian Nationalist movement in support of their choice for president, Trump, could avert the blue coup against the fascism of "America First" (America Uber Alles). It is estimated that movement, relying on an extensive network of conservative pastors, within the so-called "Family Research Council" had invested $18 million in 2018, up from $10 million in 2016, and $5 million in 2014.
The entire evangelical movement, which goes by various names including "Watchmen on the Wall," represents a regression from the Constitutional provision for separation between Church and State. Some of its by products are the walls represented by Muslim bans; but also by the barbed wire walls deployed at America's southern border against Central American asylum seekers.
At a rally in the State of Montana, Trump, the product of the concoction of political/evangelist/right, described that new wire wall as "the beautiful barbed wire." With military forces deployed at those borders to, ostensibly to block those migrants from "invading" the US, the cost is expected to reach $200 million. There is no specific budgetary allocation for that. But the out of control Commander In Chief (Trump) needed that foolish deployment as a political stunt.
In this lawless environment of the Trump era which is underpinned by evangelism, it is no surprise to hear J.C. Church, Watchmen on the Wall's national director to preach before November 6: "The No. 1 thing anybody can give you is the Supreme Christ. But the second greatest thing we can give this generation is the Supreme Court." Thus the evangelical needle is threaded to go from the voter, to Trump, to Congress, to the Supreme Court (as could be evidenced by the elevation of Kavanaugh to the 9th seat of the Supreme Court. What a difference between the Supreme Court of Burger and that of Roberts where 5 conservatives are aligned against 4 liberals. Kavanaugh has advocated the equivalency of "the President is above the law."
The degree of the popular rejection of the thesis of the evangelicals in the November mid-term elections could be measured by the lamentation of one of their leaders. Tami Fitzgerald, the executive director of the North Carolina Values Coalition told a pastors' meeting: "If we lose three seats to progressives, the whole Congress could be lost."
With this background of the marriage between faith and politics in view, it is no surprise to find the mindless President Trump, the creatures feature of that unconstitutional betrothal sulking in Paris at the 100th anniversary of World War I. Not only is he confronted by a hostile House of Representatives where articles of impeachment are already being considered. His elevation of "nationalism" over globalism has been forcefully rejected by this host, France's president Macron.
"Patriotism is one's love of country. Nationalism is hate of the other," said Macron with support of German Chancellor Merkel. To Trumpism, Macron and Merkel are the past. Putin and Kim Jong-Un are the future. The false dawn, as the Arabs say, that prods the human caravan to resume its trek, only to be enveloped later in total darkness.
So what do houses of worship do in the face of American law preventing them from campaigning for political causes? Otherwise they may lose their tax exemption status!! Leaders of the Christian nationalists are struggling to find a way out of this legal dilemma.
To their rescue, comes pastor Tami Fitzgerald. "I am telling you, you can talk about issues all day long as a pastor; you can tell people who you are going to vote for," She intoned. "But you must not publish that information in a church newsletter or state it from the pulpit."
Sheer chicanery -legal trickery, sophistry. Freedom of speech of the Constitution's First Amendment cannot overwhelm the injunction against "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
Evangelism, by its advocacy and operational intent, is establishing a political religious order -an enabler of a regressive political chaos, otherwise called "Trumpism!!"
Friday, November 9, 2018
The American President Is "Analfabeto" (In Spanish: "Illiterate")
Franklin Roosevelt articulated courage -the ability to withstand danger. That was in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor (1941). John Kennedy addressed the commitment to country. It was in his inaugural address (1961). Bush Jr. roused the nation to seek out its 9/11 attackers (2001). Judging by these lofty standards, it is not far fetched to describe Trump as ANALFABETO.
For Trump is unable to read or write. How do we know that? He consistently is marked by a lack of acquaintance with approved patterns of speaking or writing. So when he rounds up his lips, rocks on any podium right and left, grimaces to his wild supporters hinting at a non-recognizable smile, his illiteracy gushes forward. Proving a very low IQ.
About the effects of a hurricane on Puerto Rico, he blames the ineffectiveness of federal aid on the existence of "Water - Big Water." The same trait shows again at a recent rally in Montana by his base (he has a fan club -not the presidential domain of All Americans). So he praises Montana as "the Big Sky."
Trump's ignorance shows again when he struggles to foist the incredible hoax of his being a nuclear expert. "My uncle, was an MIT scientist." Then unabashedly added: "I know about nuclear matters more than the Generals." The tragedy of not knowing is not knowing what you don't know.
Our analfabeto president relies on imbecilic phrases -pleasing to the ear, faulty to reality. Campaigning for Republican victories in the mid-term elections, he attacks the Democrats as "the Democratic Mobs," and salutes the Republican candidates as "the Republican: Jobs." Being the agent of combative divisiveness in America is his calling.
When Trump is pinned down by media questions about his sources, he yells back: "Many people told me so." And when he faces a follow-up question, his patent answer: "You go find out." Evasiveness is his nuclear option.
As to "Fake News," he is the premier savant of fake news. It is his sword and his armor. Anticipating the impact of the Mueller investigations, if they are allowed to reach their conclusions, he sows the seeds of mistrust and disbelief. His way, really his entrapment, of getting off the legal hooks. So he repeats "No obstruction; no collusion."
Tagging any opponent of Trump by a Trumpian epithet has been elevated by this American President to an industrial mass level. He mocked Hillary Clinton as "crooked Hillary;" abused Jeb Bush as "low energy Jeb;" denounced John McCain as "only a hero because he was captured;" abused Stormy Daniels, his former lover as "horse face."
In a Nazi-style attempt to intimidate opponents, he and General Flynn, his convicted former national security advisor, whipped up their mobs into yelling "Lock Her Up;" her is Hillary Clinton. Recruiting Russia as his ally in the elections of 2016, he intones: "Russia -Are you listening?" Both Putin of Russia and Kim Jong-Un, of North Korea, are "friends." But Trudeau of Canada is an adversary whose country is "ripping off America."
This analfabeto looks upon America's security in terms, not of "strength through alliances;" but in terms of "why are we still contributing funds towards NATO's defense of Europe?" His superficial view of strategic alliances, such as those with South Korea and Japan is limited to "how much it costs?" Hence his present strained relationship with General Mattis and the Pentagon.
So is his near daily attacks on the now gone Attorney-General, Jeff Sessions, and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein. "I don't have an Attorney-General," nor a "Department of Justice." His low regard for these institutions is due to his stupid belief that they are his personal lawyers. He rationalizes that their job is to protect him. They owe a loyalty oath to him, not to the USA.
Among Trump's forward "storm troops" to his rallies are agents who sell MAGA hats (Make America Great Again), for $25. Others sell a book of the President's tweets for $35 each. The title is "Just the Tweets;" agents rehearse their pitches the night before these rallies. Trumpist volunteers wearing lime green T-shirts, declaring "Voter Resistance," walk the crowds.
One supporter declares his faith in these terms: "I'm not a Trump supporter out of anger or hate." Then out of what? "He's a really good performer. He directs that excitement to policies that are really good for us." This analfabeto, otherwise known to his base as "The Voice of Good," approaches the well rehearsed crowd, a paid agent announces: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President."
Trump, with clenched fists, declares, as he did recently in Iowa on October 9: "The Democrat agenda is radical socialism and open borders." The same theme has been used before. In Maryland, Trump declared: "Republicans want to protect Medicare. Democrats want to raid Medicare to pay for their socialism."
Sheer lies. The Democrats program is to expand "Medicare for all." But the well-practiced agents of fascist Trump never tire of informing their cohorts: "If you don't send the Republicans back to the House and back to the Senate, it'll be tough on the president's soul!!"
But the soul of this President seems to be fixed on the preparation for a sort of an eventual civil war. As a prelude, Trump glorifies street violence. And weaponizing the freedom of speech. Just go read "The Plot to Destroy Democracy," a great book by Malcolm Nance.
Trump, since his non-merited elevation to the presidency, has amply demonstrated that he was totally unsuitable to lead. On Afghanistan, for example, he believes that his generals are weak. "There's no victories," he lamented. "You should be killing guys. You don't need a strategy to kill people."
In response to the craziness of this analfabeto, Rex Tillerson, then the Secretary of State, blurted out his assessment at the end of a cabinet meeting. "He's a fucking moron." Trump had already left the meeting.
Under Trump, the unthinkable is happening to the US. A great country is becoming a failed State!! The main characteristic of a failed state is the absence of process for decision-making and policy-coordination. Epitomized by what Trump himself had said: "I alone can fix it." Trump claims that he is very smart. Not by any measure. This ANALFABETO had personally gone bankrupt not once, not twice, but six times!!
Trump is a perpetual congenital liar. Surpasses even Goebbles. Like all snake oil salesmen, Trump is masterful in delivering his lies. If one believes in his delivery, one would have been duped in buying false merchandise. He sells fear and divisiveness. And facts are his adversary.
In these mid-term elections, Trump's party (the Republican Party) lost in a big way to the Democrats. Nearly 40 seats in the House of Representatives alone. Trump's warning regarding "a caravan" from Central America about to invade the southern border, turned into a big caravan of voters expressing their disgust with him.
Trump's reaction: "A victory," referring to the Senate which is still with a Republican slim majority. But, Mr. analfabeto, you lost the House which shall reign you in -with subpoenas and demands for your tax returns. Not to mention the outcome of the Mueller investigations.
The noose is tightening!!
For Trump is unable to read or write. How do we know that? He consistently is marked by a lack of acquaintance with approved patterns of speaking or writing. So when he rounds up his lips, rocks on any podium right and left, grimaces to his wild supporters hinting at a non-recognizable smile, his illiteracy gushes forward. Proving a very low IQ.
About the effects of a hurricane on Puerto Rico, he blames the ineffectiveness of federal aid on the existence of "Water - Big Water." The same trait shows again at a recent rally in Montana by his base (he has a fan club -not the presidential domain of All Americans). So he praises Montana as "the Big Sky."
Trump's ignorance shows again when he struggles to foist the incredible hoax of his being a nuclear expert. "My uncle, was an MIT scientist." Then unabashedly added: "I know about nuclear matters more than the Generals." The tragedy of not knowing is not knowing what you don't know.
Our analfabeto president relies on imbecilic phrases -pleasing to the ear, faulty to reality. Campaigning for Republican victories in the mid-term elections, he attacks the Democrats as "the Democratic Mobs," and salutes the Republican candidates as "the Republican: Jobs." Being the agent of combative divisiveness in America is his calling.
When Trump is pinned down by media questions about his sources, he yells back: "Many people told me so." And when he faces a follow-up question, his patent answer: "You go find out." Evasiveness is his nuclear option.
As to "Fake News," he is the premier savant of fake news. It is his sword and his armor. Anticipating the impact of the Mueller investigations, if they are allowed to reach their conclusions, he sows the seeds of mistrust and disbelief. His way, really his entrapment, of getting off the legal hooks. So he repeats "No obstruction; no collusion."
Tagging any opponent of Trump by a Trumpian epithet has been elevated by this American President to an industrial mass level. He mocked Hillary Clinton as "crooked Hillary;" abused Jeb Bush as "low energy Jeb;" denounced John McCain as "only a hero because he was captured;" abused Stormy Daniels, his former lover as "horse face."
In a Nazi-style attempt to intimidate opponents, he and General Flynn, his convicted former national security advisor, whipped up their mobs into yelling "Lock Her Up;" her is Hillary Clinton. Recruiting Russia as his ally in the elections of 2016, he intones: "Russia -Are you listening?" Both Putin of Russia and Kim Jong-Un, of North Korea, are "friends." But Trudeau of Canada is an adversary whose country is "ripping off America."
This analfabeto looks upon America's security in terms, not of "strength through alliances;" but in terms of "why are we still contributing funds towards NATO's defense of Europe?" His superficial view of strategic alliances, such as those with South Korea and Japan is limited to "how much it costs?" Hence his present strained relationship with General Mattis and the Pentagon.
So is his near daily attacks on the now gone Attorney-General, Jeff Sessions, and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein. "I don't have an Attorney-General," nor a "Department of Justice." His low regard for these institutions is due to his stupid belief that they are his personal lawyers. He rationalizes that their job is to protect him. They owe a loyalty oath to him, not to the USA.
Among Trump's forward "storm troops" to his rallies are agents who sell MAGA hats (Make America Great Again), for $25. Others sell a book of the President's tweets for $35 each. The title is "Just the Tweets;" agents rehearse their pitches the night before these rallies. Trumpist volunteers wearing lime green T-shirts, declaring "Voter Resistance," walk the crowds.
One supporter declares his faith in these terms: "I'm not a Trump supporter out of anger or hate." Then out of what? "He's a really good performer. He directs that excitement to policies that are really good for us." This analfabeto, otherwise known to his base as "The Voice of Good," approaches the well rehearsed crowd, a paid agent announces: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President."
Trump, with clenched fists, declares, as he did recently in Iowa on October 9: "The Democrat agenda is radical socialism and open borders." The same theme has been used before. In Maryland, Trump declared: "Republicans want to protect Medicare. Democrats want to raid Medicare to pay for their socialism."
Sheer lies. The Democrats program is to expand "Medicare for all." But the well-practiced agents of fascist Trump never tire of informing their cohorts: "If you don't send the Republicans back to the House and back to the Senate, it'll be tough on the president's soul!!"
But the soul of this President seems to be fixed on the preparation for a sort of an eventual civil war. As a prelude, Trump glorifies street violence. And weaponizing the freedom of speech. Just go read "The Plot to Destroy Democracy," a great book by Malcolm Nance.
Trump, since his non-merited elevation to the presidency, has amply demonstrated that he was totally unsuitable to lead. On Afghanistan, for example, he believes that his generals are weak. "There's no victories," he lamented. "You should be killing guys. You don't need a strategy to kill people."
In response to the craziness of this analfabeto, Rex Tillerson, then the Secretary of State, blurted out his assessment at the end of a cabinet meeting. "He's a fucking moron." Trump had already left the meeting.
Under Trump, the unthinkable is happening to the US. A great country is becoming a failed State!! The main characteristic of a failed state is the absence of process for decision-making and policy-coordination. Epitomized by what Trump himself had said: "I alone can fix it." Trump claims that he is very smart. Not by any measure. This ANALFABETO had personally gone bankrupt not once, not twice, but six times!!
Trump is a perpetual congenital liar. Surpasses even Goebbles. Like all snake oil salesmen, Trump is masterful in delivering his lies. If one believes in his delivery, one would have been duped in buying false merchandise. He sells fear and divisiveness. And facts are his adversary.
In these mid-term elections, Trump's party (the Republican Party) lost in a big way to the Democrats. Nearly 40 seats in the House of Representatives alone. Trump's warning regarding "a caravan" from Central America about to invade the southern border, turned into a big caravan of voters expressing their disgust with him.
Trump's reaction: "A victory," referring to the Senate which is still with a Republican slim majority. But, Mr. analfabeto, you lost the House which shall reign you in -with subpoenas and demands for your tax returns. Not to mention the outcome of the Mueller investigations.
The noose is tightening!!
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