Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Crazy Call For America To Sanction The New Egypt

Hard to believe, but true. A Michael Wahid Hanna writes in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs that Egypt is "an unreliable partner" of the U.S.

His crazy call for sanctioning the New Egypt comes wrapped in Egyptophobia. As a "Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation" and "an adjunct at New York University School of Law," Hanna has plenty of room to hallucinate in that article titled "Time to Rethink Relations."

How? Primarily through "lowering the total of the annual amount (of U.S. military aid) from $1.3 billion to around $500 million." For what reason? "To alter Egypt's negative trajectory" through "expressing U.S. displeasure with the status quo."

But what "status quo" is that Michael Wahid Hanna referring to? The Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel concluded in 1979 and is still observed by the two sides. That is in spite of the howling hurricane of the so-called Arab Spring.

How would tampering by America, who is the guarantor of that peace between Israel and one-third of the Arab world which calls itself Egypt, affect that historic peace? Hanna skirts that crucial issue of cause and effect. He offers no gems of wisdom on that matter. That is not his concern. His concern is to drum up Egyptophobia at whatever cost. Hanna's demons cannot be silenced.

Suppose Washington, D.C. acts on Michael Wahid Hanna's muddled day dreams of sanctioning the New Egypt. Where would those fictitious savings garnered from U.S. military aid go?

Ah!! Our Michael has a plan for where those illegal cuts go. He howls his solution. "The United States should consider diverting future military assistance to more reliable allies" in the area. Like whom, Michael? "Such as Jordan."

And supposed Jordan, a valiant Arab sister State of Egypt, but with a fraction of the size of the Egyptian military, cannot absorb those savings? Then to who else, Mr. Hanna?

"To partners that need help far more urgently than Egypt, such as Iraq." Did you say "Iraq," Mr. Hanna? Where is that? Hasn't Iraq, outside of Kurdistan, spurned a security arrangement with America, in order to accommodate Iran?

OK!! Details trouble Wahid Hanna. So he shifts directions in the same breath. Which directions: "Or to States in the region that are transitioning to democracy more successfully, such as Tunisia."

Oh, my God, Michael!! You make me a bit dizzy by your zigs and zags all over the Arab area. Of course Egypt wishes Tunisia, her sister Arab State, well. But I must admit to my slow thinking. Where is the Tunisian successful transitioning to democracy? Hasn't a prolonged state of emergency been declared in Tunisia by President El-Sibsi (not to be confused with the name of El-Sisi of Egypt)?

Now we reach the root cause of what ails the brain of Michael Wahid Hanna about Egypt of June 30, 2013. The ouster of the diabolic Muslim Brotherhood from power. Not by the army supported by popular demand, as our Hanna, with a defective bull horn, is screaming his head off. But by popular demand supported by the army. The Egyptians, 35 million of them, were the prime movers. The army simply protected them!!

Please Michael. Those, like you and your friend, David Kirkpatrick, another Egyptphobe writing in the New York Times, are not "aficionados" of history. So it behooves you not to try to revise it.

Mr. Hanna: You begin your 7 page article in Foreign Affairs of November/December 2015 by a provocative paragraph. In it, you make a bogus claim stating: "There are no longer any compelling reasons for Washington to sustain especially close ties with Cairo."

Then you compound that mystery by unabashedly saying without any proof: "What was once a powerfully symbolic alliance with clear advantages for both sides has become a nakedly transactional relationship." Sir: Are there any alliances which are not transactional? Name just one, if you can.

In America, we teach in law and political science that alliances are predicated upon mutuality of interest. That alliances are generally based on parity of sovereignty. That alliances need to be perceived, and are in fact of mutual benefit to the two sides. That is unless they are based on duress. In this case, they are colonial contracts between an imperial power and its protectorate.

So where do you draw your learning about alliances, Mr. Hanna? And how do you substantiate your naked claim that the Cairo/Washington, D.C. present relationship "benefits the Egyptians more than the Americans?" Nuts!!

If that is the case, and it is imaginary, or at best a hypothetical case, why does the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, keep on having a stop in Egypt a near permanent feature of his shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East? Even to the point of attending recently in Sharm El-Sheikh, a mammoth Economic Conference organized by President El-Sisi!!

Let us now look for even a scintilla of logic to justify any of your claims, Michael, in that issue of Foreign Affairs.

You, seemingly inexpertly in the art of logical argumentation and presentation, lump disjointedly three different issues. A compounded and an inarticulate compendium of situations affecting the New Egypt with which you contemptuously deal. Here it comes:

"After a popular uprising followed by an authoritarian relapse in Cairo, and with the peace process moribund, and jihadism now a chronic condition, the U.S. - Egyptian relationship has become an anachronism that distorts American policy in the region."

Allow me to help out in disentangling the disparate elements of that overburdened paragraphic sentence.

  • Your charge of authoritarianism is totally unfounded. El-Sisi became president through open and fair elections held in June 2014; his elevation came in accordance with a Constitution adopted in a popular referendum held that year; and the consensual Road Map has now been implemented by a free and open popular elections. 
  • In those elections, the Islamist party of "Al-Noor" suffered defeat, and the secularists, as evidenced by "The Free Egyptians" party of the Coptic entrepreneur Naguib Sawiris, triumphed. So if you happen to be an Egyptian Copt, as your name leads me to suspect, you should be dancing in the aisle.
  • Where do you find "the peace process moribund?" I hope that you know some Latin to realize that "moribund" comes from the Latin "moribundus," meaning "at the point of death." In fact Hamas and its terror-supported organizations such as "The Friends of Beit Al-Maqdis," has kept Egypt in their cross-hairs. Their declared reason: Cooperation with Israel through blocking the terrorists attempts to transfer the conflict with Israel from Gaza to Sinai. A well-known ISIS tactic.
  • As for jihadism being "now a chronic condition," you are right, Mr. Hanna. But only on the surface. Making jihadism a chronic condition attaching only to Egypt is an insult to the innocent victims of jihadism in Paris, Brussels, California, Turkey, Mali, Russia, Syria and Iraq.
  • And how is that situation causing "the U.S. - Egyptian relationship" become a factor that "distorts American policy in the region?" Your claim has an appropriate term in American contract law. It goes by the name of "nudum factum." Meaning bereft of facts justifying your claim. To elaborate: A bare contract or agreement that amounts to merely a naked promise. Sorry, Michael, your argument has no leg to stand upon.
Of course, Mr. Hanna, there is a distinct possibility that you, with your senior position at "The Century Foundation," are not keen on the facts of this Century. Otherwise  how are the following known facts "distorting American policy in the region?" The reverse is the only reality:
  • Allowing American military aircraft to fly over Egyptian airspace;
  • Egyptian provision to U.S. naval ships of fast track access to the Two Suez Canals;
  • Provision by Cairo of diplomatic support for American regional policies, with regard to the Gulf region;
  • Egyptian American resumed joint military exercises;
  • Provision of eight F-16 U.S. aircraft to the Egyptian air force;
  • Continued training of Egyptian elements of the armed forces in the U.S.;
  • Military Egyptian involvement with Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and the U.S. in the present conflict in Yemen;
  • The U.S. opening to Egypt of the alliance with other Arab States in combating ISIS; 
  • The recognition, in fact the praise, of Egypt's massive contribution to the fight against ISIS on two priority fronts, Sinai and the Libyan border;
  • The expected stationing of the two Egyptian aircraft carriers recently purchased by Egyptian funds from France at the Libyan border and opposite the troubled Gaza coastline near the northern terminus to the Suez Canals.
The list can go on and on. Including the involvement by Egypt of U.S. energy companies in the exploration of the newly discovered natural gas reserves in the Western Desert and the Delta.

Mr. Hanna: Please get it in your head that what we have today is a new Middle East where America, through the Obama doctrine on Middle East conflicts, wants the Arabs to take care of their defense needs.

You must be comatose when you allege in your article that "Egypt has an interest in pursuing counter terrorism for its own reasons." Anti-jihadism has eliminated your outdated fiction of each State should combat jihadism only for "its own reasons." Jihadism knows no boundaries. So should anti-jihadism.

And if anti-jihadism requires "a religious counter-attack," where would you find the rich ideological resources for that lethal weapon in places which are better than Al-Azhar of more than a thousand years?

Could you also please help me understand this foolish assertion of yours: "In short, the regional landscape has been transformed, and Egypt has been left behind. Egypt is no longer an influential regional player. Instead, it is a problem to be managed." Is it because Egypt is turning from chaos to the strong State? A problem to be managed?! I haven't heard that term since the publication of my book in 1971 on "decolonization."

How laughable!! The only problem to hopefully be managed is your Egyptophobia. Compounded by your approbation of the reign of Islamic hegemony in Egypt for one year (2012-2013) by the Muslim Brotherhood.

You seem to regard Egyptian sovereignty as either for sale, or as a legitimate target for unilateral U.S. sanctions.  Whatever you believe, you, Michael Wahid Hanna, are on the wrong side of history.

And were you to find a magic cure for your myopia, you would see that a focus on internal affairs following upheavals, is not equivalent to becoming a marginal player either regionally or globally. Both America, following its five losing wars, and Egypt, following four years of upheavals preceded by 32 years of stagnation, are doing the same. Each of them are rebuilding their infrastructure, creating jobs, improving their educational systems. All acts of fusion of internal energy. Because national salvation begins from within.

So keep on whistling in the wind, Michael!! You wouldn't even get the benefit of an echo chamber!!

Reason: From your writings and your responses to Egyptophobes in The New York Times, you have stayed the course of the equivalent of "Uncle Tom" in regard to the New Egypt. Under the guise of freedom of expression, you seem to have made of your anti-Egyptian phobias a lucrative industry. Your neo-colonialism revival is sure to fail.

Michael Wahid Hanna: You have a bullhorn and an audience. Instruments which you are using in support of your merchantilist approach to the New Egypt. But please note an undisputed fact regarding your success in spreading mythology about Egypt -a rising strong State. You are operating in a Post-Fact America.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

In North America, Two Outlooks on Muslims: Canada is Kinder , America is Weary!!

His appearance at the airport in Toronto in December carried an entire message. Young photogenic Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hugging the Syrian refugees. Putting warm jackets on their backs. Declaring to them and to the whole world: "Welcome to Canada. You are at home now!!" They, have reached a safe harbor.

Contrast this to the bluster of America's Trump. He, a fool, does not speak for America. But he is the poster idiot of a mean America. And no one in the Republican establishment dealt harshly with his profane calls for: A database for American citizens who happen to be Muslims; a non-return to America of those citizens; a total ban on the entry of other Muslims to America, even for study or family reunification.

Trump (or Chump) glories in anti-Islamism. And in anti-Latinos. And in anti-women. And in anti-peace. His mantra, which is a call for an American Sparta, is "Make America Great Again." 

A demented buffoon who is exposing America to the wrath of 1.6 Billion Muslims. Daring to fight the world from fictitious citadels called "The Trump Towers." Punching the air with his fists, saying: "I am rich" -a stupid qualification for ruling a super-power.

Now to Canada. That is where you find its Prime Minister on hand at the Toronto airport welcoming Syrian refugees. But that was one aspect of Canada's kinder outlook on Muslims and non-Muslims. Fleeing their countries westward in search for safety.

That phenomenon was best described by Obama. Standing on December 15 in Washington, D.C. delivering an address at a citizenship ceremony, he graphically summed up the migrants dilemma. He likened Syrians fleeing the civil war in their native country to the Jews who fled the Nazis.

But in America these words do not compare to actions and public campaigns in Canada. A gulf of differences between two outlooks.

For in Canada:
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau keeps on repeating: "Extending the sins of the Islamic State group to all Muslims is irresponsible,"
  • He also adds: "There shouldn't be a contradiction between what it takes to keep us safe and what it takes to keep us Canadian.;"
  • At the provincial level, political leaders, like Andrea Horwath calls on the Ontario government to face up to racial issues. This is to be accomplished through action on legislation providing for setting up a secretariat to conduct public education and research on racism.
  • The hallmark of schools in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is extra help provided by teachers to immigrant children. These are traumatized kids of very diverse backgrounds;
  • During the Christmas season, front page newspaper articles project the beginning of the healing process for new immigrant arrivals. Photos are splashed for toddlers lighting prayer candles at the St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church;
  • A chorus of hundreds of children of different faiths singing the greeting extended to the Prophet Muhammad by the residents of Medina upon his arrival, fleeing persecution in Mecca 1437 years ago;
  • The Canadian Government, through its Minister of Immigration, keeps on increasing the figures of migrants from Islamic lands fleeing into the welcoming arms of non-Muslim western countries.
  • By contrast, Saudi Arabia which prides itself on being the Custodian of the holiest of Islamic shrines in Mecca and Medina, had an obtuse response to this humanitarian calamity. Its foreign minister's response was: "Many Saudis are married to Syrian women." Four million Syrians have fled their war-ravaged country since its slide into civil war in 2011.
  • During the Canadian elections of October 2015, the majority of Canadian voters showed their disgust for what the Toronto Star of December 15, 2015 described in graphic terms. It attributed the defeat of the conservative government of Stephen Harper to Canada's "own version of ugly Muslim-baiting by politicians desperate for votes."
  • One of the top columnists of the same newspaper had his column in the same issue headlined: "Would Trump flourish here? Unlikely." The columnist Irvin Studin explained why. Here is what he opined:
  • "The recent call by US presidential candidate Donald Trump for the wholesale exclusion of Muslims from entry into the United States can only give thinking Canadians some degree of comfort that our founders created Canada, in constitutional terms, as the negation of the American project."
Of course, in America, the Trump voice is rather negated by liberal editorial writings in The New York Times. In its issue of December 5, 2015, one such editorial was titled: "Fear Ignorance, Not Muslims." Following the San Bernardino massacre, the editorial commented as follows:

"Wherever the investigation leads, Americans must guard against overreacting, and subdue the panicked reflex of distrust and hatred towards the Americans among us who are Muslims. This has been a problem at least since 9/11 and will remain one as long as ignorance about Islam remains deep and widespread."

Wise words. But American public opinion continues to give the lunacy of Trump thumbs up. No less than 65% of Americans recently polled supported Trump's advocacy for a ban on Muslims. This is not only unconstitutional under several US constitutional provisions. It is also a clear violation of international law principles dealing with "freedom of movement" as a human right.

But here we must keep in mind the individual instances in Canada of a bias against some Muslims. Reference here is made to putting a woman teacher on leave for wearing the hijab.

That teacher undoubtedly believes that hijab is decreed by the Quran for Muslim females. She is wrong, as such an injunction cannot be textually proven by the Quran to be an obligation. The most charitable description of the hijab phenomenon is to say that only after the Khomeini Islamic revolution in 1979 was that fad elevated to a fareedha (obligation).

This issue is ironically further compounded by brutal enforcement in Wahhabi lands by a religious police called, for obfuscation: "The Volunteers" (Al-Mottaween). Storm troops with canes ready to strike without legal sanction.

These are lands which are divorced from the spirit of Islam as a faith continually evolving to accommodate changing circumstances. Particularly in regard to integration with legislated laws and customary practices in countries to which Muslims emigrate. This is the essence of what the Quran states 21 times as HEKMAH (the reasoning based on common sense).

We all recall how The Muslim Brotherhood, during its fascist one year rule in Egypt (2012-2013) terrorized the Copts. A lesson which the New Egypt, under El-Sisi, is not likely to forget anytime soon. It was a violation of the DNA of historic Egypt of 7000 years as a State.

Thus in regard to anti-Islamism, the issue is multi-faceted. Both Muslims as well as non-Muslims still have a way to go before mutual accommodation.

But the efforts at such accommodation seem to be more manageable, more promising, in Canada than in the U.S.A.

A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All!

Friday, December 4, 2015

In the Voice of the Baby of the San Bernardino Killers

Mom and Dad
Wherever You Both Are Now 
Maybe In a Bad Place
After You Killed the Innocent


You Left Me With Grandma 
Who Awaited Your Joyous Return
To Pick Me Up, Change Me
And Feed Me


But You Never Did
Only Your Images
On the Somber TV
When You Moved Among the Living


Why Did You Do It?
All That San Bernardino Killing
Of Moms and Dads
Whose Families Are In Mourning


Your Names Are Deceptive
For Rizwan Means God's Blessing
And Malik Is One Name
For God Almighty


Neither Malik Nor Rizwan
Shall Be On Your Side
Especially That Farook
Means Separating Right From Wrong


These Are Muslim Names
Intended To Glorify
The Oneness of God
Whom You Have Grossly Deceived


I See All Those Faces
Whose Bodies are Lifeless
Cause You Acted As Life-Enders
While We Worship Life-Givers


Life-Givers Like Robert, Bennetta
Aurora, Sierra, and Shannon
And Daniel, Damian, and Tin
And Nicholas, Yvette and Michel


They Trusted You, Your Co-Workers
As Did America, the Giver,
Treated You As All Others
Your Faith Was No Problem


Where is Pakistan
And Where Is Saudi Arabia
I Only Know The USA
As My Birthplace, My Birthright


My Home Where When I Grow
I Can Be Equal To Men
I Can Learn and Endear
All Others Under Our Flag


Now With Your Victims Gone
To A Place Better Than Yours
I Am Here Left Behind
Baring The Shame of Being Yours


Of What Can I Be Proud
With Whom Shall I Play
Your Pictures Are Not Glorified
Your Faith is Tainted


Those Flowers, Those Candles
Those Moans Of The Injured
Those Vigils Are But Cursing You
And Blurring My Future


I Did Nothing Except Being Born
To Parents With a Pact
A Pact With Those Far Away
From The Sacred Bond of Mercy


Your ISIS, Your Bullets
Your Guns, Your Grenades
Have Taken Over My Space
Space of Toys, Love and Light


How Dark It Is To Peer
Into A Future I Don't Know
Filled Of Fog and Doubt
About Whatever Follows Thereafter


On Your Epitaph, 
What Shall I Place
Your Inscription On A Tomb
Would It Be Like A Curse
Of All Jihadis Like You


And What Should I Be Called
The Unloved Issue Of Killers 
Who Turned Their Blooded Backs
On Those Who Gave Them Life